A single case of an unintentionally retained surgical item (RSI) – like a surgical sponge or guidewire – can cause significant patient harm and cost a facility hundreds of thousands of dollars in unreimbursed care and lawsuits. That’s on top of the emotional impact to OR teams.
AORN’s Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety: Prevention of RSI, sponsored by Stryker through the AORN Foundation, is an innovative team-based program that raises awareness of the factors that lead to this preventable sentinel event and uses immersive technology to improve skills.
AORN財団を通じてStrykerが後援するAORN’s Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety(AORNの手術の安全性の中核的研究拠点):RSIの予防は、この予防可能なセンチネル・イベント(重篤な身体的または精神的傷害、それに起因するリスクを含む突発的な事故)につながる要因の認識を高め、拡張現実型テクノロジーを使用してスキルを向上させる革新的なチームベースのプログラムです。
Learn how your facility can take part and earn public recognition as a Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety in 2022.