As a patient, navigating the complexities of healthcare can be intimidating, especially if the individual is facing a language barrier and medical interpreters are not available. At the heart of quality healthcare lies effective communication, and bilingualism is without a doubt a superpower. When healthcare professionals are proficient in multiple languages, they can provide personalized care that transcends linguistic barriers. “Immigrants, refugees, and individuals from marginalized communities are particularly vulnerable to language barriers in healthcare,” (Hanson). Are you—as a bilingual professional—interested in improving language services in the healthcare setting for patients with limited English proficiency? If so, you are in high demand.
患者として、複雑な医療をナビゲートすることは、特に言葉の壁に直面し、医療通訳が利用できない場合は、威圧的である可能性があります。質の高い医療の核心は効果的なコミュニケーションにあり、バイリンガルは間違いなくスーパーパワーです。医療従事者が多言語運用能力を備えていれば、言語の壁を越えた個別ケアを提供することができる。「移民、難民、社会から疎外された人々は、医療における言葉の壁に特に弱い立場にあります」(ハンソン)。 あなたはバイリンガルの専門家として、英語運用能力の乏しい患者に対する医療現場での言語サービスの向上に関心がありますか?もしそうなら、あなたは高い需要があります。
The Real Life Benefits of Bilingualism(バイリンガリズムの実際のメリット)
Imagine a person visiting a doctor’s office where they struggle to communicate their symptoms or understand the prescribed treatment due to language barriers. Now envision the relief when they discover that their healthcare provider speaks their language fluently. Picture this other scenario: a Portuguese-speaking family arrives at a hospital emergency room with a child in distress. Thanks to the bilingual skills of the attending physician assistant, the family receives timely and accurate information about the child’s condition and treatment plan. In a moment of crisis, language proficiency becomes a lifeline. The attending physician assistant, fluent in Portuguese and English, calmly reassures the family, explaining the diagnosis and treatment plan in their native language. This clear and empathetic communication not only alleviates the family’s anxiety but also ensures that they fully comprehend the situation and can make informed decisions about their child’s care.
Appropriate care is a process that includes different stages which range from explaining a procedure and administering a medication to discharging a patient. Throughout a patient’s journey, they encounter different staff members; however, a nurse’s role is indispensable. “Bilingual nurses are particularly important in fast-paced areas, like the emergency room or urgent care. Immediate assessment is needed to ensure patients are triaged and diagnosed quickly and appropriately,” (Morrill). By advocating for language proficiency assessments within healthcare organizations, healthcare workers can ensure that all patients receive equitable access to care. Language proficiency assessments enable healthcare institutions to identify bilingual and multilingual professionals who can effectively communicate with patients from diverse linguistic backgrounds, thereby improving patient satisfaction, avoiding health outcomes falling short, and reducing the rate of hospital readmissions.
By empowering healthcare professionals to enhance their language skills, organizations can encourage inclusivity and strengthen the patient-provider relationship. Patients feel less anxious and respected when their healthcare providers communicate with them in their preferred language, leading to building trust, and adherence to treatment plans.
Assess Your Language Proficiency with ACTFL Assessments(ACTFLアセスメントで言語運用能力を評価する)
In an increasingly multilingual and multicultural society, where language barriers can hinder access to quality healthcare, acknowledging the importance of language proficiency in healthcare environments and advocating for training and foreign language skills assessments is essential. A report conducted for ACTFL recommends conducting professionally administered language testing to employees or potential candidates to identify the linguistic competencies of the organization’s workforce due to the increasing U.S. employers’ dependency on language skills other than English. Assessing and certifying your language proficiency as a healthcare professional is a valid and often-required strategy throughout the recruitment process for hospitals and clinics to attain the appropriate language capacity to care for their patients.
If you are ready, let’s break down barriers, propel inclusivity, and empower you as a professional to make a difference in the healthcare sector—one step at a time. Remember, the objective is to make all patients feel valued through high-quality care in their language of preference. Certify your language skills with Language Testing International®️ (LTI), a language testing provider with decades of research that provides you with a universally recognized language credential in speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. The remotely and securely proctored assessments can be taken at anytime, anywhere for your convenience to confirm your level of proficiency in more than 120 languages.
もしあなたにその準備ができているのなら、障壁を取り除き、包括性を推進し、プロフェッショナルとして一歩ずつヘルスケア部門に変化をもたらす力を与えましょう。その目的は、すべての患者が、自分の好みの言語で質の高いケアを受けることで、大切にされていると感じるようにすることです。Language Testing International®️ (LTI)は、スピーキング、リーディング、ライティング、リスニングの各スキルにおいて、世界的に認知された語学資格を提供する、数十年にわたる研究実績を持つ語学試験プロバイダーです。遠隔で安全に実施されるテストは、いつでもどこでも受けることができ、120以上の言語の運用能力を確認することができます。
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.” https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf
Hanson, Skip. “Why breaking language barrier is key to achieving health equity.” HealthDataManagement. Sep. 21, 23. https://www.healthdatamanagement.com/articles
Morrill, Elizabeth, MHS, BSN, RN. “Need for Bilingual Nurses. Incredible Health”. May 17, 2022. https://www.incrediblehealth.com/blog/need-for-bilingual-nurses/