Managing your finances can be stressful, especially when language barriers add an extra layer of complexity. What happens if a bank customer with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) is faced with an issue when seeking assistance with financial planning or applying for a loan because language is a barrier? The most effective and immediate solution is to have a bilingual professional always available on the premise to help communicate clearly and deliver peace of mind to those involved. Are you bilingual? If so, that can be you!
財務管理はストレスの多いものですが、言葉の壁がさらに複雑さを増す場合はなおさらです。限られた言語運用能力(Limited English Proficiency:LEP)を持つ銀行の顧客が、ファイナンシャル・プランニングの支援を求めたり、ローンを申し込んだりする際に、言語が障壁となって問題に直面したらどうなるでしょうか。最も効果的で即効性のある解決策は、バイリンガルの専門家を常駐させ、明確なコミュニケーションを図り、関係者に安心感を提供することです。あなたはバイリンガルですか?もしそうなら、それはあなたかもしれません!
Certify Your Language Skills Today
2024年6月3日、米国教育省キャリア・技術・成人教育局(OCTAE)は、米国労働省と共同で、必ずしも4年制大学の学位を必要としない高収入の職業への道筋を作ることに焦点を当てた招待制サミットをワシントンDCで開催した。Unlocking Pathways Summitシリーズの一環であるこのイベントは、バイデン-ハリス政権の「Investing in America Agenda」に沿って、州レベルの教育から労働力へのパスウェイシステムを推進することを目的としています。Language Testing Internationalは、多言語主義の価値と経済的利益、およびACTFLの評価など、業界で認知された資格による言語スキルの証明に関する洞察を提供するために参加しました。
A Real-Life Example of the Importance of Bilingual Employees(バイリンガル社員の重要性を示す実例)
Imagine a person needing to discuss a sensitive financial matter with their bank, such as securing funding for a small business. Let’s review a real-life scenario to better understand the relevance of bilingual employees in the financial sector.
Isabella moved to the United States from Italy, and she is excited to kick off her new business, a quaint café in her new community on the outskirts of Atlanta. Isabella decides to apply for a commercial loan from a local bank. However, when she meets in person with the loan officer, she finds it challenging to communicate her ideas and questions effectively due to her Limited English Proficiency (LEP). She also struggles to understand documents, paperwork, and the loan application process. The loan officer, acknowledging Isabella’s discomfort and confusion arranges for an in-house team member who is fluent in both English and Italian to serve as an interpreter, assisting them during the meeting. The interpreter serves as a bridge, ensuring understanding on both sides, and helps Isabella prepare any required documentation, such as her business plans and financial projections. The loan officer’s willingness to accommodate Isabella’s language needs and provide interpretation support allows her to secure funding for her café, empowering her to start her business with confidence.
Thanks to the bilingual skills of a fellow bank employee fluent in both English and Italian, Isabella was able to navigate the conversation with ease and clarity. This level of personalized assistance not only addresses the customer’s immediate banking concerns but also fosters a sense of trust, confidence, and calm in the process of establishing relationships with new clientele. “Being bilingual is not only about speaking a second language. It is good for the employee’s health, as well as the health of the employer’s business,” (Diggs).
Language Proficiency Sets You Apart(言語運用能力で差をつける)
In today’s global economy, banks that recognize the significance of bilingualism stand out as champions of high-quality customer service. By equipping their teams with colleagues who are proficient in more than one language and are also culturally sensitive, these institutions ensure that every customer receives the support they need, including equal access to financial services and opportunities for entrepreneurship, regardless of heritage or ability to communicate in English.
According to a survey conducted for ACTFL, Spanish, Chinese, French, Japanese, German, Russian, Arabic, Italian, Korean, Hindi, and Portuguese are the most sought-after foreign languages in the United States. Whether addressing account inquiries or resolving financial disputes, bilingual professionals capable of mastering any of these languages allow customers to navigate money-sensitive situations without a hitch.
Many bilingual professionals in the financial sector go above and beyond to help customers in their time of need, and they deserve to be celebrated. You can be one of these superheroes. Connect with Language Testing International (LTI) today, if you command any of the languages most needed across the U.S. to assess and prove your level of proficiency. LTI, a leader in language proficiency testing across 40 countries, offers reliable certifications in over 120 languages. Benefit from secure remotely proctored assessments you can take anywhere, anytime at your convenience.
金融業界では、多くのバイリンガルの専門家が、お客様が困っているときに、それ以上のことをして助けています。あなたもこのようなスーパーヒーローになることができます。今すぐLanguage Testing International (LTI)にご連絡ください。全米で最も必要とされている言語を操り、あなたの言語運用能力を評価・証明します。LTIは、40カ国に及ぶ言語運用能力試験のリーダーであり、120以上の言語で信頼性の高い認定を提供しています。いつでも、どこでも、あなたの都合に合わせて受けられる、安全な遠隔試験による評価をご利用ください。
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers”.
Diggs, Kallen. 5 Studies Prove Bilinguals Benefit Employers in More Ways Than One. The Good Men Project. July 10, 2017.