Announcing Lead with Languages Advocacy Month 2022(ACTFL 2022年のLead with Languages擁護月間のお知らせ)
In this month of February, join ACTFL and the Lead with Languages campaign as together we create awareness about the value of language education by exploring the important core skills that learners acquire in addition to their target language. When we empower learners to claim their own language superpowers, we also show support for the educators, programs, and policies that are key in developing these important skills. Take our fun quiz to discover your #LanguageSuperpower today.
2月の今月、ACTFLのLead with Languagesキャンペーンに参加し、学習者が目標言語に加えて習得する重要なコアスキルについて一緒に考え、言語教育の価値についての認識を高めましょう。学習者が自分自身の言語力を主張できるようにすることは、これらの重要なスキルを身につける上で鍵となる教育者、プログラム、政策への支援を示すことにもなります。クイズに答えて、#LanguageSuperpowerを見つけてください。