Language Advocacy Days (LAD), organized by JNCL-NCLIS, is an annual virtual event where delegates advocate for language education-related issues with their elected officials. LAD aims to address challenges in language education and promote policies that support language learning. For delegates, attending these events means advocating for legislative changes that can improve language education nationwide. It is also an empowering event as every voice we raise, every policy we champion, is a step towards a more inclusive, connected, and prosperous future. Language is not just a tool for communication; it’s a gateway to understanding, empathy, and opportunity. By investing in language education, we’re investing in the next generation’s ability to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.
JNCL-NCLISが主催するLanguage Advocacy Days (LAD)は、代表者が選出された議員に対して言語教育関連の問題を提言する、年に一度のバーチャルイベントです。LADは、言語教育における課題に取り組み、言語学習を支援する政策を推進することを目的としています。代議員にとって、このようなイベントに参加することは、全国の言語教育を改善できるような法改正を提唱することを意味します。また、私たちが声を上げること、政策を支持することが、より包括的で、つながりのある、豊かな未来への一歩となるため、力を与えてくれるイベントでもあります。言語は単なるコミュニケーションツールではなく、理解、共感、機会への入り口なのです。言語教育に投資することは、相互の結びつきが強まる世界で活躍する次世代の能力に投資することなのです。
Here are the legislative requests that were brought forth to the Senate and House officials: World Language Education Assistance Program (World LEAP) Act (H.R.5603)(以下は、上院と下院の関係者に提出された立法要請である:世界言語教育支援プログラム(World LEAP)法(H.R.5603))
Challenge: Lack of federal program funding for innovative world language and dual language programs.
Solution: H.R.5603 proposes a competitive grant program to establish and enhance world language programs in K-12 school districts, addressing teacher shortages, ensuring access for all students, and promoting diversity in the teacher workforce. Rep. Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) introduced the World LEAP Act in the House with bi-partisan support. It has yet to be introduced in the Senate.
解決策:H.R.5603は、幼稚園から高校までの学区に世界言語プログラムを設置し、強化するための競争的助成金プログラムを提案し、教師不足に対処し、すべての生徒のアクセスを確保し、教師の労働力の多様性を促進する。ジミー・パネッタ議員(民主党)は、超党派の支持を得て、World LEAP Actを下院に提出した。上院ではまだ提出されていない。
Legislative ask: Co-sponsor the World LEAP Act.
立法府への要請:World LEAP Actを共同提案すること。
Biliteracy Education Seal and Teaching (BEST) Act (H.R.7007/S.3595)(読み書き能力教育認証と教育法(BEST)法(H.R.7007/S.3595))
Challenge: Limited federal support for implementing and scaling Seal of Biliteracy programs. Federal funding is needed to support equitable implementation of Seal of Biliteracy programs at the state and district levels.
課題:Seal of Biliteracyプログラムの実施と拡大に対する連邦政府の支援は限られている。州および地区レベルでのSeal of Biliteracyプログラムの公平な実施を支援するための連邦資金が必要である。
Solution: The BEST Act provides funding to states to establish and improve Seal of Biliteracy programs, making it accessible to all students, especially low-income students.
解決策:BEST法は、Seal of Biliteracyプログラムを確立し、改善するための資金を各州に提供し、すべての生徒、特に低所得層の生徒が利用できるようにする。
Legislative ask: Co-sponsor the revised BEST Act.
Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Act (H.R.4588/S.2261)(ポール・サイモン上院議員留学法(H.R.4588/S.2261))
Challenge: Low participation rates in study abroad programs.
Solution: This act aims to expand study abroad opportunities for undergraduate students, particularly prioritizing minority, first-generation, and disabled students, and diversifying study destinations.
Legislative ask: Co-sponsor the Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Act.
Retaining the Language Attainment Research Provision in the Advancing Research in Education Act (S.3392)(教育における研究の促進法(S.3392)における言語達成研究条項の維持)
Challenge: Lack of research and data on language education.
Solution: Support retaining language attainment research provisions in the AREA Act, enabling collection of data on foreign language coursework availability and access in K-12 and higher education.
Legislative ask: Support retaining in the final AREA Act legislation the provision that requires the U.S. Department of Education to “collect, report, analyze, and disseminate statistical data…” related to K12 and higher education on “the availability of, and access to, foreign language coursework.”
立法への要望:AREA法の最終案において、米国教育省に「外国語コースの利用可能性、および外国語コースへのアクセス」に関するK12および高等教育に関する「統計データの収集、報告、分析、普及…」を 義務づける規定を維持することを支持する。
Funding Request for the World Language Advancement and Readiness Grants Program (WLARA)(世界言語能力向上準備助成プログラム(WLARA)への資金提供のお願い)
Challenge: Threatened federal investments in language education, even for those programs that fill critical needs and have demonstrated success.
Solution: Requesting $15 million for WLARA grants in FY24 appropriations to support innovative language programs in districts with at least one JROTC program and DoDEA schools, focusing on critical languages and promoting diversity in language education.
Legislative ask: Provide $15 million for WLARA Grants in FY24 DOD Appropriations.
Funding Request for the Native American Language Resource Center (NALRC)(ネイティブ・アメリカン・ランゲージ・リソース・センター(NALRC)への資金提供要請)
Challenge: Threatened federal investments in language education, including Native American languages, even for those programs that fill critical needs and have demonstrated success.
Solution: Seeking $3 million in FY24 appropriations to support NALRC’s efforts in preserving, promoting, and teaching Native American languages, aligning with the Native American Languages Act’s objectives.
Legislative ask: Support $3 million in funding for NALRC in FY24 Appropriations.
Title III(タイトルIII)
Challenge: Threatened federal investment in Title III.
課題:Title IIIへの連邦政府の投資を脅かす。
Solution: Title III funding is crucial to the academic success of English Language Learners, and this program provides bedrock funding and technical assistance for the growth of Dual Language Immersion programs across our nation.
Legislative ask: Support to maintain funding for Title III in FY24 Appropriations.
Title VI HEA/Fulbright-Hays International and Foreign Language Education Programs(タイトルVI HEA / フルブライト・ヘイズ国際・外国語教育プログラム)
Challenge: Threatened federal investment in Title VI.
Solution: Title VI/FH funds undergraduate through postgraduate research and education in foreign languages and world regions. Title VI domestic programs provide grants and fellowships to institutions of higher education to develop language and international education programs.
Legislative ask: Support to maintain funding for Title VI/FH in FY24 Appropriations.
立法への要望:24年度予算において、タイトルVI / FHへの資金提供を維持するよう支援する。
These legislative requests aim to address key challenges in language education and promote policies that support diverse language learning opportunities across the United States. Advocating for multilingualism and language education stands as a pivotal endeavor in shaping a brighter tomorrow. Whether championed on a grassroots level or through dialogue with elected representatives in Congress, every voice holds the power to enact meaningful change. Given the growing significance of multilingual skills in our interconnected global landscape, it is paramount that we elevate and endorse language education initiatives. Failing to do so would result in missing opportunities for individuals, communities, and the nation at large.
Special Thanks(謝辞)
LTI would like to thank JNCL-NCLIS for organizing this special event and creating materials that helped delegates present our legislative priorities to our elected officials. The list of priorities discussed in this article was taken from the materials provided to the Language Advocacy delegates.
LTIは、JNCL-NCLISがこの特別なイベントを企画し、代表団が私たちの立法優先事項を選出議員に提示するのに役立つ資料を作成してくれたことに感謝したい。本記事で取り上げる優先事項のリストは、Language Advocacy代表団に提供された資料から抜粋したものです。
JNCL-NCLIS unites a national network of leading organization and businesses comprised of over 300,000 language professionals to advocate for equitable language learning opportunities. Learn more about how to get engaged at www.languagepolicy.org.
LTI’s Commitment to Multilingualism(LTIのマルチリンガルへの取り組み)
Since 1992, LTI has been committed to creating opportunities for multilinguals to attain their academic and professional goals with the ACTFL Language Proficiency Certificate.
Watch our JNCL-NCLIS LAD24 Video(JNCL-NCLIS LAD24のビデオをご覧ください)
Watch Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) talk about his journey to multilingualism and its importance to his life and career.