Periop Colleague,
AORN’s Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety is a complimentary education and recognition program for your entire perioperative team to learn how to prevent incidents of RSI.
The program includes custom education and interactive, game-style technology that is optimized to adult-learning styles with real-time feedback and test comprehension.
You and your team will learn:
・Evidence-based human behaviors and environmental influences that lead to unintended RSI
・Procedures for accurately counting surgical items
・Strategies to increase compliance with counting processes
・AORN Guidelines for reconciling discrepancies, including the use of adjunct technologies to augment manual counts.
AORNのCenter of Excellence in Surgical Safety(手術安全性の中核拠点)は、RSIの発生を防ぐ方法を学ぶために、周術期チーム全体を対象とした優待の教育および評価プログラムです。このプログラムには、カスタム教育や、成人の学習スタイルに最適化されたインタラクティブなゲームスタイルの技術、リアルタイム・フィードバック、理解度テストが含まれています。