Periop Professional,
Updating policies and procedures is difficult. Know that you are making the right choices with the latest evidence-based AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice. Whether you are updating policies, preparing
for your next survey, or onboarding new nurses, AORN’s guidelines provide recommendations to optimize patient care and keep teams safe.
Make sure you have the most current evidence-based information with the 2022 edition featuring 19 critical guideline changes for safer care explained.
方針と手順の更新は難しいことです。エビデンスに基づく最新の「AORN Guidelines for Preioperative Practice(AORN 周術期 診療ガイドライン)」があれば、正しい選択ができるはずです。ポリシーの更新、次回の調査の準備、新人看護師の教育など、AORNのガイドラインは、患者ケアを最適化し、チームを安全に保つための推奨事項を提供しています。