Periop Professional,
Preparation of the patient’s skin is usually the first thing that comes to mind when we hear “skin antisepsis” – but there is so much more. During this virtual guideline workshop, we will review all the essential elements of preoperative skin antisepsis to reduce the incidence of SSIs.
We will also discuss the newly updated AORN recommendations for implementation and conduct a live Q&A with AORN Guideline author and presenter, Karen deKay, MSN, RN, CNOR, CIC.
また、新たに更新されたAORNガイドラインの実施方法について説明し、AORNガイドラインの著者でプレゼンターのKaren deKay氏(MSN, RN, CNOR, CIC)とのライブQ&Aを実施する予定です。