Clothing stores located in malls nationwide have to be mindful of catering to an increasingly diverse clientele. The United States experienced a surge between the 2010 and 2020 Census of 276% more people identifying as multiracial. Regardless of cultural or linguistic backgrounds, the aim in the retail sector is to offer diverse options in terms of products and to deliver an exceptional shopping experience. The latter includes addressing customers in their language of preference, so they receive clear, meaningful, and accurate communication that secures their loyalty.
Contact Us Today to Bring Language Proficiency Testing to Your Organization
Hiring Bilingual Staff Can Enhance Customer Service and Boost Sales(バイリンガルスタッフの採用によって、カスタマーサービスを強化し、売上を向上させることができる)
According to a survey conducted for ACTFL, the demand for foreign languages spans major departments such as customer service, sales, and marketing. However, it is of critical importance that direct interactions with customers or customer-facing roles are delivered with bilingual proficiency. To accomplish this, employers are aware that they need to adopt one key strategy to enhance customer service and boost sales: hire bilingual staff. “Even within the United States, companies recognize the benefits of bilingual and multilingual staff in an increasingly diverse nation where English is not always the first language of customers and partners,” (Grensing-Pophal).
Here’s a scenario illustrating how language proficiency can significantly impact a retail environment. Imagine a bustling clothing store located in a prominent mall that attracts shoppers from all over the country. Renowned for its trendy apparel and excellent customer service, the store faces a significant challenge: language barriers. A substantial portion of its clientele speaks languages other than English, including Spanish, Mandarin, and French.
On a busy Saturday afternoon, the store is particularly crowded. Among the customers is a group of tourists from Spain, eager to shop but struggling to communicate their needs to the staff. They are looking for recommendations and want to understand the ongoing sales, but the language barrier makes the shopping experience frustrating for them. Enter Sofia, a bilingual sales associate certified for her proficiency in both English and Spanish. Recognizing the tourists’ struggle, Sofia approaches them and seamlessly switches to Spanish. Her ability to communicate in their preferred language transforms their entire customer journey. She guides them through the store, provides personalized recommendations, and explains the sales promotions clearly.
With Sofia’s intervention, the Spanish-speaking tourists had an enjoyable and stress-free shopping experience. They made multiple purchases, left positive feedback about the store’s excellent customer service, and promised to recommend the store to their friends and family. This not only boosted the store’s sales for the day but also reinforced its reputation as a customer-friendly retailer.
In a competitive retail landscape, language proficiency is a powerful tool that can improve customer service, drive sales, and foster customer loyalty. Clothing stores that invest in bilingual staff are better positioned to serve a diverse customer base, ensuring every customer feels understood and valued.
Invest in Your Employee’s Language Skills Today(社員の語学力に今すぐ投資を)
Your business can send a message of respect to all the customers out there. “Stay attuned to industry trends and regional needs and leverage the power of bilingualism to secure your company’s place at the forefront of innovation and growth,” (Diaz). By partnering with Language Testing International® (LTI), a global leader in language proficiency assessments, your business can certify the language skills of your employees. LTI offers comprehensive language proficiency assessments in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, all remotely proctored for the job candidate’s convenience.
あなたのビジネスは、そこにいるすべての顧客に尊重するメッセージを送ることができます。 「業界のトレンドや地域のニーズに敏感になり、バイリンガルの力を活用することで、イノベーションと成長の最前線に立つことができます」(ディアス氏)。 言語能力評価のグローバルリーダーであるLanguage Testing International®(LTI)と提携することで、従業員の言語スキルを証明することができます。LTIは、スピーキング、リスニング、リーディング、ライティングの包括的な語学能力評価を提供しており、求職者の利便性を考慮し、すべて遠隔で実施しています。
Invest today to ensure your employees are well-equipped to meet the needs of a diverse customer base, enhance your customer service, and increase revenue. Contact LTI now to excel in today’s diverse retail market.