Cruise vacations are all about relaxation and adventure, no matter the season. However, the vibrant, multicultural atmosphere on a cruise ship can occasionally lead to hectic situations, especially when language barriers arise, even among the crew. In these moments, the staff’s ability to communicate clearly and effectively in multiple languages becomes crucial.
Your Bilingualism is a Superpower in the Travel Industry(バイリンガルは旅行業界のスーパーパワー)
According to a survey conducted by ACTFL, the need for foreign language skills in U.S. industries is likely to remain strong, making the travel sector, with its varied roles, an ideal field for bilingual or multilingual professionals. These individuals have the potential to turn challenges into opportunities for exceptional service. Let’s dive into a possible case scenario where bilingualism becomes a superpower, underscoring the importance of assessing language skills for a seamless cruise experience.
Imagine a luxury cruise ship sailing through the Caribbean. Onboard are guests from all corners of the world, including a large group of tourists from Brazil who primarily speak Portuguese. One night while everyone is sleeping, an unexpected fire alarm goes off, causing panic among the passengers. The crew needs to quickly communicate evacuation procedures, but language barriers create confusion and distress. The Brazilian guests, unable to fully understand instructions provided in English by the crew, are particularly alarmed.
In this moment of borderline panic, Carlos, a bilingual crew member fluent in English and Portuguese, steps up. He immediately approaches the Brazilian group and explains the evacuation procedures in Portuguese, ensuring they understand the steps they need to take to seek safety. Carlos’s calm demeanor and clear communication skills help to soothe the passengers’ fears and guide them safely to the muster stations. Thanks to Carlos’s certified foreign language proficiency skills, the evacuation proceeded without incident. The passengers follow the instructions without any bewilderment, and the emergency is managed efficiently. The crisis is averted, guests are safe and unharmed, and the cruise continues its journey.
Showcase Your Talent with an ACTFL Language Assessment(ACTFLの語学アセスメントであなたの才能をアピールしましょう)
Assessing the language skills of their staff and partnering with reliable global language testing leader, Language Testing International® (LTI), is essential for cruise lines. The language assessment expertise of LTI offers specialized and convenient remotely proctored testing that can determine the proficiency levels of employees in 120 languages, ensuring they are prepared to handle diverse passenger needs and unforeseen situations. “Language barriers can be a challenge for foreign crew members, but many cruise lines provide language training to ensure effective communication between staff and passengers. Additionally, the diversity of the crew means that there is usually someone on board who can assist with language interpretation when needed,” (Eustace).
クルーズ会社にとって、スタッフの言語スキルを評価し、信頼できる世界的な言語テストのリーダーであるLanguage Testing International® (LTI)と提携することは不可欠です。 LTIの言語評価に関する専門知識は、専門的で便利な遠隔試験を提供し、従業員の120言語の習熟度を判定することで、多様な乗客のニーズや不測の事態に対応できるようにします。「外国人乗組員にとって言葉の壁は大きな課題となり得ますが、多くのクルーズ会社では、乗組員と乗客の間の効果的なコミュニケーションを確保するため、語学研修を実施しています。さらに、乗組員の多様性により、必要なときに言語通訳をサポートできる人が船内にいるのが普通です」(ユースタス氏)。
By taking language proficiency assessments, bilingual or multilingual employees can be certified in their ability to provide excellent service and ensure passenger safety, as well as effectively catering to the preferences of multicultural guests. “Speaking numerous languages among one’s workforce can be advantageous when working on a cruise ship. It can aid in improving customer service and fostering a more welcoming atmosphere for customers and employees who might not speak English well,” (Martin).
言語能力評価を受けることで、バイリンガルまたはマルチリンガルの従業員は優れたサービスを提供し、乗客の安全を確保するだけでなく、多文化のゲストの好みに効果的に対応する能力を認定されます。「クルーズ客船で働く場合、従業員の間で多数の言語を話すことは有利に働きます。 カスタマーサービスを向上させ、英語をあまり話せない顧客や従業員を歓迎する雰囲気を醸成するのに役立ちます」(マーティン)。
At the end of the day, what guests want in the dynamic environment of a cruise ship is to feel safe, have fun, receive exceptional service, and leave with a lasting positive impression. Language proficiency is a key component for ensuring all these elements are carried out, and bilingual employees, like Carlos, play a crucial role in enhancing the overall guest experience and managing emergencies.
When you invest in language assessment and training through LTI, you are making a strategic move that pays off in safety, customer satisfaction, and career advancement. Order a language assessment from LTI today, a global authority in certifying language proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. A valid and legally defensible credential that confirms your proficiency in more than one language will strengthen your ability to make a difference in the travel sector.