In today’s increasingly globalized world, educators need to teach students from diverse linguistic backgrounds. This is particularly evident in international schools where students often speak multiple languages at varying proficiency levels. At a school in the Middle East where I oversaw English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Special Educational Needs (SEN), we observed a concerning trend: many students consistently struggling with behavior and academic performance also had lower MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) scores. After further analysis, we discovered that many of these students were non-native English speakers, and their struggles stemmed from a lack of proficiency in both their home language and English. However, they would not necessarily be considered as EAL students. These factors contributed to their academic difficulties, leading to classroom behavior issues. This article outlines how we identified the issue, implemented targeted interventions, and tracked progress, leading to improvements for all students.
グローバル化が進む今日、教育者は多様な言語的背景を持つ生徒を指導する必要があります。 これは、生徒がさまざまな習熟度で複数の言語を話すことが多いインターナショナルスクールでは特に顕著です。私がEAL(第二言語としての英語学習)とSEN(特別支援教育)を担当していた中東の学校では気になる傾向が見られました。さらに分析を進めた結果、これらの生徒の多くは英語を母国語としない生徒であり、彼らの苦労は母国語と英語の両方の能力不足に起因していることがわかりました。しかし彼らは必ずしもEALの生徒とは見なされません。このような要因が彼らの学業上の困難を招き、教室での問題行動につながりました。この記事では、私たちがどのように問題を特定し、的を絞った対応策を実施し、進捗状況を追跡したかを紹介します。
Identifying the Issue: Language and Learning Challenges(問題の特定:言語と学習の課題)
Initially, we noticed a correlation between students with lower MAP scores and those who faced frequent disciplinary action. Suspecting that language barriers might be at the root of their challenges, we spent more time teaching to the whole child and investing more time in learning about our learner’s backgrounds. What we found confirmed our suspicions: most students underperforming academically and exhibiting problematic behavior were non-fluent English speakers, with regional Arabic as their primary language. However, they were not fully proficient in Arabic either, due to being at an English-only school for most of their academic careers or being exposed to social media and TV influences that spoke a different dialect of Arabic than the ones spoken at home.
This lack of a solid foundation in any language created learning barriers that were difficult to overcome. The students struggled to understand and process academic material, which led to frustration. This frustration often manifested as disruptive behavior in the classroom.
Once we identified this pattern, we realized that our approach needed to focus on language acquisition as the key to addressing academic and behavioral issues.
Designing Targeted Interventions(的を絞った対応策の設計)
With this knowledge, we designed a targeted intervention program to improve our students’ language skills. The first step was to gain a deeper understanding of their linguistic backgrounds, which we accomplished by conducting language surveys. These surveys helped us determine which languages the students were exposed to at home (what languages they dreamt and thought in) and in other environments and their level of proficiency in each language.
Based on this information, we created specialized English and History classes, where a strong command of language is essential for success. These classes were team-taught by two teachers, allowing for more personalized attention and tailored instruction based on each student’s language needs. Our primary focus was on vocabulary development and literacy skills, the areas most in need of improvement.
In addition to supporting struggling students, we tracked and implemented similar strategies for middle- and high-achieving students, placing them in groups with peers of similar ability levels in English and History. This approach ensured that all students, including those whose MAP scores had plateaued, received the targeted support needed to foster continued growth.
Tracking Progress for Language-Challenged Students(言語が不自由な生徒の学習進捗管理)
We closely monitored the students’ progress in our targeted intervention program for four to five months. The results were striking. The students with significant language challenges showed remarkable growth in their MAP scores. Many of these students, who had been underperforming for several years, experienced 60% to 70% growth in their scores, bringing them closer to grade-level norms. These students had previously shown little to no progress and were now making substantial academic gains.
This progress was not limited to academics. As their language skills improved, these students became more engaged in their lessons and more confident in their participation abilities. The reduction in their classroom frustrations resulted in a significant decrease in disruptive behavior. The connection between their academic success and improved behavior was clear: the more they understood, the less likely they were to act out.
Tracking Middle and Higher-Achieving Students(中・高学力の生徒の追跡)
While the language-challenged students were our primary focus, we were equally interested in tracking the progress of middle and high-achieving students. Our goal was to ensure that all students continued to grow, regardless of their starting point.
We tracked the progress of middle-achieving students alongside those with more significant language needs. These students often had a more solid foundation in English. Still, they faced challenges in fully mastering academic content. We found that this group also made noticeable progress in their MAP scores, with moderate reading and language usage gains.
These students were often overlooked in traditional interventions because they were not seen as struggling enough to warrant extra support. However, by including them in the same specialized classes, we ensured they received the extra boost they needed to advance toward higher academic achievement.
Interestingly, we also saw substantial improvements in the higher-achieving students. In many cases, these students had hit a plateau in their MAP scores, showing little growth over the previous testing periods. This was particularly common among students who excelled in other curriculum areas but found subjects like English and history less engaging, partially due to the disruptive behavior in those classes. By differentiating instruction and focusing on more advanced literacy skills, even the highest-performing students experienced growth.
This group showed smaller increases in percentage growth compared to the language-challenged students, but the gains were significant enough to demonstrate that our intervention was effective for all learners.
Comprehensive Impact Across All Learners(すべての学習者に総合的な影響を与える)
One of the most rewarding outcomes of this program was seeing growth across all levels of learners. While the most noticeable improvements came from students with significant language needs, the middle and high-achieving students benefited from the intervention.
The middle group, often overlooked, gained new confidence and skills in reading comprehension and vocabulary. For higher achievers, the intervention reignited their interest in literacy-heavy subjects and pushed them beyond the plateau they had reached.
While the MAP scores are only one measure of success, they provided us with data to track progress. Each round of testing confirmed what we saw in the classroom: students were improving academically and becoming more engaged and less likely to exhibit disruptive behavior. This program demonstrated the importance of a well-rounded approach to language instruction that benefits all learners regardless of their starting point.
Lessons Learned and Implications for Educators(教訓と教育者への示唆)
This experience underscores the importance of recognizing language barriers in all their complexity. Students who struggle with language, whether due to a lack of proficiency in their home language, the language of instruction, or both, require targeted support to help them succeed. Moreover, interventions designed to address language gaps can have far-reaching benefits, improving academic performance, classroom behavior, and overall engagement.
この経験は言葉の壁をその複雑さすべてにおいて認識することの重要性を強調するものです。 母国語、指導言語、またはその両方を習熟しておらず、言語で苦労している生徒には成功のために的を絞った支援が必要です。さらに、言語格差に対処するために考案された対応策は、学業成績、授業態度、全体的な学習意欲を向上させ、広範囲に及ぶ利点をもたらす可能性があります。
Our work also highlights the value of tracking progress for all students, not just those who are falling behind. Even students performing at or above grade level can benefit from differentiated instruction that challenges and helps them grow. The MAP data provided an essential tool for monitoring progress and adjusting our interventions as needed.
A Note on the Potential of Language Assessments(言語評価の可能性に関する記録)
While this intervention focused on targeted strategies without incorporating formal language assessments, it’s worth noting the role ACTFL assessments, such as the AAPPL, could play in such contexts. By providing clear benchmarks for proficiency in both English and home languages, these assessments could offer valuable insights into students’ linguistic abilities. The data could then inform interventions, ensuring they address specific language gaps effectively. Moreover, ACTFL assessments emphasize communicative proficiency, helping validate students’ linguistic identities and fostering a sense of pride in their multilingual abilities. Integrating tools like the AAPPL could enhance a program’s impact, offering a structured way to measure growth and further supporting academic success and engagement.
この対応は正式な言語評価を取り入れることなく、的を絞ったストラテジーに焦点を当てたものですが、AAPPLのようなACTFLの評価が果たす役割は注目に値します。英語と母国語の両方の習熟度について明確なベンチマークを提供することで、これらの評価は生徒の言語能力について貴重な洞察を与えることができます。そのデータは、対応策に反映され、特定の言語ギャップに効果的に対処することができます。さらに、ACTFLの評価はコミュニケーション能力を重視するため、生徒の言語的アイデンティティを確認し、多言語能力に対する誇りを育むのに役立ちます。 AAPPLのようなツールを統合することで、プログラムの効果を高めることができ、成長を測る体系的な方法を提供し、学業での成功や学習への取り組みをさらに支援することができるのです
Interested in bringing ACTFL assessments to your program? Contact us today.