1. Placing Correctly in Language Programs(言語プログラムにおける正しい立ち位置を知る)
In the legal sector, the importance of language proficiency, precision, and clarity in communication cannot be overstated. Misunderstandings can lead to miscarriages of justice, prolonged cases, increased costs, and decreased public trust. Serving all community members effectively sustains public confidence in the legal system. In this context, language proficiency can positively impact the legal landscape, making bilingual or multilingual employees essential, especially in courtrooms where people of diverse linguistic backgrounds are common and on the rise.
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Avoid Miscommunication in the Courtroom(法廷でのミスコミュニケーションを防ぐ)
Courts in the U.S. serve diverse communities where non-English speakers often face critical barriers. “Although federal civil rights provide important protections, they have historically been difficult to litigate and enforce, in part because it is difficult for individuals with limited proficiency in English and others to distinguish whether programs and services are provided by or through federal, state, county, or city entities,” (Lee). Ensuring that court staff and legal professionals are proficient in multiple languages can bridge communication gaps. For instance, a certified bilingual court interpreter in a high-profile case involving a non-English-speaking defendant is instrumental in guaranteeing that the defendant’s rights are upheld and that the jury understands the context of the case. The interpreter’s accurate communication of testimonies and legal documents can contribute to a fair trial and a just case outcome. Legal counsel can also benefit from having paralegals and lawyers who are proficient in the non-English-speaking defendant’s preferred language.
Miscommunication in the courtroom can have dire consequences. Imagine a high-stakes civil lawsuit in New York City, where the plaintiff, John Reynolds, is suing a prominent construction company, NYC Builders Inc., for breach of contract resulting in significant financial losses. Carlos Fernández, a foreman directly involved in the project and a Spanish speaker with limited English proficiency, is a key witness. The court-appointed bilingual interpreter, Leslie Rodríguez, fluent in both English and Spanish, with exceptional language skills and extensive training in legal terminology and court procedures, is an invaluable asset during his testimony. Fernández uses the term “acta de replanteo”, a construction document in Spanish-speaking countries. A direct translation would be “replanning document”. Understanding the importance of precision and to avoid confusing the jury, Rodríguez translates it as “site inspection report,” the closest equivalent in English legal and construction terminology. Fernández makes another statement that, if misinterpreted, could imply negligence on his part. The legal team managing NYC Builders Inc.’s case also has a team member named Omar Lima who is proficient in Spanish. Ms. Rodríguez’s precise and contextual translations, confirmed by Mr. Lima, ensure that the jury receives the essence of Fernández’s statements, allowing them to make an informed decision. The jury’s verdict is based on an accurate understanding of all testimonies. It is paramount in the justice system to identify, train, and certify bilingual staff, to prevent miscommunications and wrongful convictions, as well as ensure accurate legal proceedings.
法廷でのコミュニケーション・ミスは、悲惨な結果を招きかねません。ニューヨーク市で、原告であるジョン・レイノルズが、多額の金銭的損失をもたらした契約不履行を理由に、著名な建設会社であるNYCビルダーズ社を提訴している、高リスクの民事訴訟を想像してみていただきたいのです。カルロス・フェルナンデスは、プロジェクトに直接関与した現場監督で、スペイン語を話し、英語運用能力に乏しい重要証人です。英語とスペイン語の両方に堪能で、卓越した語学力と法律用語および裁判手続きに関する豊富な訓練を持つ、国選バイリンガル通訳レスリー・ロドリゲス氏は、彼の証言において貴重な戦力となります。フェルナンデスは「acta de replanteo」(スペイン語圏の建設文書)という用語を使っています。直訳すれば「再計画文書」である。正確さの重要性を理解し、陪審員を混乱させないために、ロドリゲスは英語の法律用語や建設用語で最も近い意味を持つ「現場検査報告書」と訳した。フェルナンデスは、もし誤解を招けば彼の過失を示唆しかねない別の発言をしています。NYCビルダーズ社の訴訟を担当する弁護団には、スペイン語に堪能なオマール・リマというメンバーもいます。ロドリゲス氏の正確で文脈に沿った翻訳とリマ氏の確認により、陪審員はフェルナンデス氏の発言の本質を確実に受け取り、十分な情報に基づいた判断を下すことができます。陪審員の評決は、すべての証言の正確な理解に基づいています。司法制度において、バイリンガルスタッフを特定し、訓練し、認定することは、誤ったコミュニケーションや不当な有罪判決を防ぐだけでなく、正確な法的手続きを保証するために最も重要なことです。
A survey conducted for ACTFL highlights the importance of advocacy for regional, state, and national policies responsive to industries’ foreign language and labor force needs. “Access to justice means access to legal assistance and simplifying process, but it also means language access. People should not be excluded from the promises of our laws because of the language they speak,” remarked Rachel Rossi, director of the Office for Access to Justice during a Stanford Law Review 2023 Symposium on Access to Justice.
Partner with Language Testing International and Assess Your Employees’ Language Skills(Language Testing Internationalと提携し、従業員の語学力を評価しましょう)
Thus, partnering with an authority in language teaching and assessment, such as Language Testing International® (LTI), is crucial. Courts must ensure their staff have the required level of language proficiency to meet the linguistic challenges of a diverse community, thereby upholding justice and integrity. LTI is the gateway to unlocking this potential by offering essential tailored assessments in more than 120 languages. Their legally defensible language credentials in reading, writing, listening, and speaking are widely recognized and remotely proctored.
そのため、Language Testing International® (LTI)のような言語教育と評価の権威と提携することは非常に重要です。裁判所は、多様なコミュニティの言語的課題に対応し、正義と公正を維持するために、職員が必要なレベルの言語運用能力を備えていることを確認する必要があります。LTIは、120を超える言語で必要不可欠なテーラーメイドの評価を提供することで、読む、書く、聞く、話すの4つの言語能力認定は、広く認知されており、遠隔で実施することができます。
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.” https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf
Rossi, Rachel. Speech Topic “Access to Justice”. Stanford Law Review 2023 Symposium. Stanford, CA, USA. Office of Public Affairs. U.S. Department of Justice. February 10, 2023. https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/director-rachel-rossi-office-access-justice-delivers-keynote-remarks-during-stanford-law
Lee, Joann. “Advancing Language Access through State-level Civil Rights Laws.” Migration Policy Institute, MPI. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/language-access-state-civil-rights-laws