New within eGuidelines Plus: Sterile Processing Basics at a Glance(AORN eGuidline Plusの新機能:一目でわかる減菌処理の基本)
Looking for a way to introduce the Sterile Processing Department to your perioperative team? Or perhaps an overview for new department members? eGuidelines Plus just launched 8 succinct and informative articles designed to provide staff with an understanding of what the Sterile Processing Department does and how to best collaborate. Head to the At a Glance dropdown and click on Sterile Processing Basics to find:
滅菌処理部門を周術期チームに紹介する方法をお探しですか?eGuidelines Plusは、滅菌処理部門が何を行い、どのように協力するのが最善であるかをスタッフに理解してもらうために、簡潔で有益な8つの記事を発表しました。At a GlanceのドロップダウンからSterile Processing Basicsをクリックしてください: