Over half a billion people speak Spanish. Spanish is also the national language in 20 countries and one dependent territory. With its global reach, it’s no surprise that the language has variations across diverse regions and countries. Understanding the number of dialects is vital for native speakers, educators, linguists, and language learners as it impacts communication, culture, and identity.
Dialect awareness is an essential part of teaching and learning any language. Being mindful of dialects gives you deeper insights into the foundation of a language and makes communication and proficiency between dialects that much smoother. If you would like to understand the significance of how one language can vary, Language Testing International® (LTI®) is a key resource for language proficiency assessment and understanding Spanish dialects.
方言を意識することは、どの言語を教え、学ぶ上でも不可欠なことです。方言を意識することで、言語の基礎をより深く理解することができ、方言間のコミュニケーションや習熟がよりスムーズになります。ひとつの言語がどのように変化するのか、その意味を理解したい場合、Language Testing International® (LTI®) は、言語能力評価とスペイン語の方言を理解するための重要なリソースです。
Counting Dialects: How Many Spanish Dialects Are There?(方言を数えるスペイン語にはいくつの方言がありますか?)
Dialects are regional variations in a language, marked by differences in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation or accent. Dialects form as the result of various factors., including migration and isolation. Naturally, dialects also develop due to different linguistic influences. One clear example is Mexican Spanish, which has strong features of the indigenous languages of the Americas.
Counting dialects is complex as there are varying thoughts on what counts as a valid variation in a language. However, most experts recognize between seven and 11 Spanish dialects. Some may consider particular dialects too rare or too similar to more common ones to count as distinct variations, which is part of why estimates can vary.
Regional Varieties of Spanish Around the World(世界のスペイン語地域差)
Spanish is the fourth most spoken language worldwide and is especially prominent in Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Canary Islands. Spanish is also a prominent language in countries where it is not the national language. Each dialect is distinct due to its different origins, different histories and cultures, and, of course, different geographical locations. We can broadly categorize them by geographic region:
Spanish Dialects in Spain(スペインでのスペイン語方言)
Even within Spain, the language differs by region and culture. The most common dialects within the country are:
・Castilian: Sometimes referred to as the original Spanish language. During his 13th-century reign, King Alfonso X promoted the dialect by making Castillian Spanish the official government dialect and the official national dialect in Spain. Due to its ancient, regal history, Castillian Spanish is the most widely spoken Spanish dialect. And perhaps because it is a pure and original form of the language, many speakers find it easy to understand.
・Andalusian: Andalusian is the second most popular dialect in the country and is predominant in Southern Spain. Andalusian has a distinctive soft and fluid sound.
・アンダルシア語 アンダルシア語は、スペインで2番目に多く話されている方言で、スペイン南部で多く話されています。アンダルシア語の特徴として、柔らかく流れるような発音が挙げられます。
・Llanito: Llanito Spanish is a dialect that combines Andalusian Spanish and English. The dialect is rooted in Spanish but borrows many words from English, Portuguese, Maltese and other languages. Llanito is the main dialect of the British territory of Gibraltar.
・ラニート語 ラニート・スパニッシュは、アンダルシアのスペイン語と英語を組み合わせた方言です。この方言はスペイン語に根ざしていますが、英語、ポルトガル語、マルタ語などから多くの単語を借りています。ラニートは、イギリス領ジブラルタルの主要な方言です。
・Murcian: Murcian is another dialect in the Southern region of Spain. It is closely related to Andalusian but has some small differences. Murcian is not a common dialect.
・ムルシア語 ムルシア語もスペイン南部の方言です。アンダルシア語と近縁ですが、若干の違いがあります。ムルシア語は一般的な方言ではありません。
Spanish Dialects in Latin America(ラテンアメリカでのスペイン語方言)
Latin American dialects vary greatly from dialects spoken in Spain, especially in accent and vocabulary. Most people in Central and South America speak a Spanish dialect, with the major exception being Brazilians, who predominately speak Portuguese. Spanish dialects in Latin America include:
・Rioplatense Spanish: Also called River Plate or Rioplatense Castilian, Rioplatense Spanish includes common words from other languages like English, French, and German in everyday conversation.
・Central American Spanish: Central American Spanish is marked by distinct pronunciation and accent. It is common throughout Central America, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Panama.
・中米スペイン語 中米スペイン語は独特の発音とアクセントが特徴です。コスタリカ、エルサルバドル、パナマなど中米全域で一般的です。
・Mexican Spanish: Though rooted in Spanish, the impact of indigenous Mexican languages on this dialect is evident. Apart from Mexico, the dialect is also common throughout the U.S. and Canada.
・メキシコのスペイン語 スペイン語に根ざしていますが、メキシコ固有の言語がこの方言に影響を与えていることは明らかです。メキシコ以外では、この方言はアメリカやカナダでも一般的です。
・Caribbean Spanish: Caribbean Spanish is unique to the islands but similar to Canarian Spanish and Andalusian. The dialect also has distinct features of indigenous African languages, English, and French.
・カリブ・スペイン語 カリブ海のスペイン語は、カナリア諸島のスペイン語やアンダルシア語に似ているが、この島特有のものである。方言には、アフリカの土着言語、英語、フランス語の特徴もあります。
・Andean Spanish: Andean Spanish is the dialect of the people of the Andes in Western South America.
・アンデス・スペイン語 アンデス・スペイン語は、南アメリカ西部のアンデス地方の人々の方言です。
Spanish Dialects Globally(世界のスペイン語方言)
・Canarian dialect: Canarian is the dialect of the Canary Islands. The dialect is quite distinct from other Spanish dialects, with clear differences in grammar and vocabulary.
・カナリア方言: カナリア方言はカナリア諸島の方言です。この方言は他のスペイン語の方言とはかなり異なり、文法や語彙に明確な違いがあります。
・Equatoguinean dialect: Equatorial Guinea is the only African country with Spanish as its official language. Equitoguinean Spanish has strong features from the country’s native African languages and French and Portuguese influences.
・赤道ギニア方言 赤道ギニアは、アフリカで唯一スペイン語を公用語とする国です。赤道ギニアのスペイン語は、アフリカの母国語やフランス語、ポルトガル語の影響を強く受けています。
Best Practices for Incorporating Spanish Dialect Awareness in Language Education(言語教育にスペイン語の方言認識を取り入れるためのベストプラクティス)
A dialect is a variation of a language that alters some of the fundamentals of grammar, pronunciation, and sometimes even vocabulary. Dialects are regional, and a region’s history, culture, and environment shape a language, so it differs from one area to another. Dialect awareness is integral to respecting another person’s identity and how that is tied to language.
Strategies for Educators and Language Learners(教育者と言語学習者のための戦略)
Whether you are teaching Spanish, learning the language, or a heritage speaker testing proficiency, it’s crucial to be mindful of how dialect impacts language assessments. As an educator, integrating dialect diversity into your curriculum is an important part of addressing cultural diversity. You may address differences in grammar, pronunciation, and accents, making that a valuable part of conversations. This approach can help both you and your students appreciate different Spanish dialects. It may also be helpful to encourage your students to find a language mentor who speaks their specific dialect.
Embracing Spanish dialects and varieties is also important if you are a language learner, and understanding the nuances of dialects can be highly valuable to your studies. Overall, it is helpful for educators to be clear on the expectations for language assessments and proficiency tests and to keep the core focus on this. In this way, the expectations on grammar and vocabulary are straightforward, and students can work toward excelling accordingly.
Reliable Language Proficiency Assessments With LTI(LTIで信頼できる言語運用能力試験)
Educators, learners, and language enthusiasts benefit from embracing the diversity of Spanish dialects by enjoying deeper insights into the language’s roots and cultures. With Language Testing International’s expertise and resources, you can assess your linguistic capabilities while gaining a deeper understanding of Spanish.
教育者、学習者、言語愛好家は、スペイン語の方言の多様性を受け入れることで、言語のルーツや文化をより深く理解することができます。Language Testing Internationalの専門知識とリソースを活用すれば、スペイン語をより深く理解しながら、自分の言語能力を評価することができます。
Language Testing International is a leader in providing language assessments and certifying language proficiency. As the exclusive licensee of ACTFL, LTI provides language credentials in over 120 languages. We offer reliable language assessments that could further your studies or career. Browse or order a proficiency test today.
Language Testing Internationalは、語学力評価および語学能力認定を提供するリーディングカンパニーです。ACTFLの独占ライセンシーとして、LTIは120以上の言語で語学資格を提供しています。私たちは、あなたの学習やキャリアに役立つ信頼性の高い語学力評価を提供します。今すぐ言語運用能力テストを閲覧またはご注文ください。