Language proficiency testing helps individuals start their journey toward becoming certified interpreters. It also helps individuals demonstrate language proficiency to prospective employers and makes it easier for employers to evaluate prospective candidates’ language skills.
Using a reliable and valid language proficiency test helps companies ensure they hire the most qualified candidates. A language proficiency test is also beneficial for interpreters because it’s the first step to advancing their careers.
How Do You Assess Interpreters?(通訳者をどのように評価しますか?)
Employers assess interpreters based on the following factors:
Language Assessments(言語テスト)
Language tests are an accurate way to assess interpreters’ language proficiency and choose the best candidates.
The most crucial interpreter skills are listening and speaking in a target language, but interpreters should also read and write accurately in that language. Different language assessments test proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Adequate Training(十分な訓練)
In addition to language proficiency, interpreters must prove that they have the necessary training to interpret in their chosen field. While a language assessment reveals someone’s language proficiency, proper training ensures they are qualified to fill the interpreter role.
Interpreters must often complete a training program and pass a final examination before they receive certification. For example, medical interpreters must complete at least 40 hours of medical interpreting training before they can work in the field.
Background and Experience(経歴と経験)
Employers can also assess interpreters by examining their personal and professional backgrounds. A resume should include an applicant’s educational background, past job positions, and any experiences contributing to their skills.
Applicants should also include references. Employers can check references to receive feedback from applicants’ past colleagues and supervisors. Checking references is an excellent opportunity to ask about an interpreter’s strengths and weaknesses.
What Skills Should an Interpreter Have?(通訳者が持つべきスキルとは?)
Essential skills for interpreters consist of the following:
High Proficiency in More than One Language(1つ以上の言語の高い言語運用能力)
Interpreters must be highly proficient in at least two languages to interpret properly. There is no time to reference a dictionary, encyclopedia, or online resources while performing a job, so interpreters must be able to listen and speak proficiently. They should have an extensive vocabulary and superior grammatical knowledge in each language and be able to interpret conversations quickly.
Clear Understanding of Idioms and Cultural Differences(慣用句と文化の違いについての明確な理解)
Every language has idioms, metaphors, and nuances that can confuse listeners. Interpreters must be familiar with these unique terms and phrases to interpret speech correctly. Cultural competence is another essential skill because it enables interpreters to notice nonverbal cues and accurately convey a speaker’s intended message.
Interpreters should also know the specific terms, jargon, and acronyms an industry uses. For example, interpreters working in a hospital setting should know common and critical medical terms to interpret and deliver messages correctly. Knowing industry-specific terminology ensures interpreters can convey information accurately.
Clear Communication(明確なコミュニケーション)
Interpreters must communicate clearly as they interpret so they deliver messages accurately. Being able to provide simultaneous interpretation is important in many career fields. Interpreting language while speakers are speaking requires excellent listening, interpreting, and speaking skills. These skills are especially critical in courtrooms and healthcare settings.
Interpersonal Skills(対人能力)
Interpreters should have excellent interpersonal skills and connect well with others. Speakers of one language may feel intimidated in unfamiliar situations, and interpreters can ease their discomfort with compassionate listening and connection. Language interpretation requires positive interactions with others, so interpreters need to interact effectively with other people.
Professionalism is important in any career, but it is essential for interpreters because they work so closely with others. Listening and speaking professionally increases an interpreter’s trustworthiness and capability in others’ eyes. Professionalism is crucial in legal settings because interpreters must maintain the appropriate demeanor during court hearings.
Types of Jobs for Interpreters(通訳の仕事の種類)
Interpreters can use their skills to lead rewarding careers. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the national median salary for language interpreters was about $49,000 annually in May 2021, and the BLS expects employment in this field to increase by 20% between 2021 and 2031. Language interpreters often work in the following fields:
Government agencies rely on interpreters to interpret conversations and speeches. Government officials and employees often communicate, conduct business, and hold meetings with individuals from other countries. They depend on interpreters to understand and deliver messages in different languages.
Judiciary interpreters interpret spoken messages in legal settings. They may interpret court testimonies and conversations between attorneys and clients. A judiciary interpreter’s main job is to ensure individuals who do not speak English understand the judge, their attorneys, spoken testimonies, probation officers, and any questions they receive.
Medical interpreters facilitate communication between medical providers and patients. A medical interpreter’s role is to ensure patients receive and understand all the information their provider shares. Interpreters also notify providers when patients need them to clarify or provide additional information.
Businesses and corporations also depend on interpreters to communicate with individuals within their industries who speak different languages. Interpreters may convert messages between their business’s professionals and suppliers, shipping professionals, clients, or investors. Language proficiency is an excellent skill that helps individuals add something special to any company or role they apply for.
Language Testing for Interpreters(通訳者のための言語能力試験)
Language proficiency assessments test interpreters’ abilities to communicate in a particular language effectively. Reputable language assessments determine if individuals have the proficiency required to interpret clearly in those languages.
Individuals can use these assessments to demonstrate their abilities to potential employers, and a language assessment is often the first step toward further certification, depending on a person’s career path. Listening and speaking tests are the main assessments for interpreters. However, reading and writing assessments may also be beneficial. Language Testing International® delivers the following ACTFL language tests:
個人は、潜在的な雇用主に自分の能力を証明するためにこれらの評価を使用することができ、語学力評価は、その人のキャリアパスに応じて、さらなる資格取得への第一歩となることがよくあります。リスニングとスピーキングテストが通訳者の主な評価です。しかし、リーディングとライティングの評価も有益な場合があります。Language Testing International®は、以下のACTFLの語学テストを提供しています:
Listening Proficiency Test (LPT)(リスニング言語運用テスト)
The ACTFL Listening Proficiency Test (LPT) assesses an individual’s ability to understand a spoken language in all its forms. During this test, a candidate listens to passages based on various real-life topics and answers associated multiple-choice questions. Individuals can complete this test within approximately 50-125 minutes.
Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)(口語言語運用能力インタビュー)
ACTFL developed the OPI assessment to test language-speaking proficiency. This internationally recognized test facilitates a conversation using a standard protocol and structure. During this assessment, an ACTFL-certified tester conducts a phone interview with a candidate and evaluates the candidate’s ability to communicate clearly in a target language. This assessment takes approximately 15-30 minutes to complete.
Candidates can alternatively take the Oral Proficiency Interview – Computer (OPIc). The ACTFL OPIc test is similar to the OPI test, but the OPIc delivers questions via an avatar instead of providing a live phone interview. Individuals answer recorded questions during the OPIc test, and an ACTFL-certified rater assesses the individual’s recorded answers. Candidates can complete this test in approximately 20-40 minutes.
受験者は、テスターの代わりに口頭言語運用能力面接-コンピュータ(OPIc)を受験することもできます。ACTFL OPIcテストはOPIテストに似ていますが、OPIcではライブの電話インタビューではなく、アバターを通じて質問が行われます。OPIcテストでは、受験者は録音された質問に回答し、ACTFL認定の評価者がその回答を評価します。このテストは約20~40分で終了します。
Reading Proficiency Test (RPT)(リーディング言語運用能力テスト)
The ACTFL Reading Proficiency Test (RPT) tests an individual’s ability to read and understand a second language. While an interpreter’s main job is to convert spoken conversations and speeches from one language to another, reading proficiency is another important skill they should have.
ACTFL Reading Proficiency Test (RPT)は、第二言語を読んで理解する能力をテストするものです。通訳者の主な仕事は、話し言葉の会話やスピーチをある言語から別の言語に変換することですが、読解力も通訳者が持つべき重要なスキルの一つです。
Interpreters sometimes need to work with documents, so reading in another language is essential. During the RPT, an individual reads passages and answers multiple-choice questions based on the passages. This test takes approximately 50-125 minutes.
Writing Proficiency Test (WPT)(ライティング言語運用能力テスト)
Writing proficiency is another important skill. Interpreters may need to convert a conversation or speech to written form in another language. The ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) presents a candidate with writing prompts, and the candidate provides written responses. An ACTFL-certified rater assesses the responses to determine the candidate’s proficiency.
Certify Your Language Skills with Language Testing International(Language Testing Internationalで語学力を証明)
A language proficiency test evaluates an individual’s ability to communicate accurately and interpret spoken language, providing them with the first step toward qualifying as an interpreter. LTI® is the exclusive licensee of ACTFL assessments, and we deliver proficiency tests to evaluate listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities. Select a language to earn accreditation or order tests for potential employees.