Clinical FAQs: Surgical Attire(臨床FAQs:手術時の服装)
Periop Professional –
AORN’s Guideline for Surgical Attire provides evidence-based recommendations that support the goal of perioperative professionals to create the cleanest surgical environment possible for all patients. AORN
members have convenient access to Guideline-based Clinical FAQs that answer common questions like:
・What type of head covering should be worn in the perioperative setting?
・When should long sleeves be worn in the perioperative setting?
・What are the AORN recommendations regarding briefcases and personal items taken into the perioperative areas?
「AORN’s Guideline for Surgical Attire(手術衣のためのAORNガイドライン)」は、すべての患者のために最も清潔な手術環境を作るという周術期の専門家の目標をサポートする、エビデンスに基づく推奨事項を提供しています。AORN会員は、以下のような一般的な質問に答えるガイドラインに基づいた臨床的なFAQに簡単にアクセスすることができます。