Clarification on Use of Patient Return Electrodes(患者向けのリターン電極の使用に関する明確化)
This month’s FDA recall notification for Mega Soft or Mega 2000 Reusable Patient Return Electrode products was a correction notice about the potential of serious burns if the products are used improperly.
The recall is not a product removal. As per the FDA’s definition, a recall does not necessarily include a market withdrawal or an inventory recovery.
Surgical teams can continue to use these products, but they must use them according to instructions to mitigate risks to their patients.
今月のFDAによるMega SoftまたはMega 2000 Reusable Patient Return Electrode 製品のリコール通知は、製品が不適切に使用された場合に重篤な火傷を負う可能性があることについての訂正通知でした。