Periop Colleague,
Register by midnight ET tomorrow, Feb. 9, to be entered to win a 5-night hotel stay at the Omni Riverfront in New Orleans.
It’s time to honor your hard work over the past two grueling years. Join us at AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo 2022 in New Orleans, LA, March 19-23.
We’re back in person and better than ever! Reconnect with your peers and reignite your passion for nursing with:
・200 continuing education contact hours
・12 learning tracks
・Hundreds of product demos and industry innovations
・Countless professional connections
・Four nightly parties!
» Take a look at the massive amounts of fun, education, and networking we have safely planned for you and your periop squad next month.
» Register now.
この過酷な2年間の皆さんの努力を称えるときが来ました。3月19日~23日にルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズで開催されるAORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo 2022にご参加ください。