AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice(2024 AORN周術期診療ガイドライン:手術室の設計と維持管理ガイドラインの更新)
The Design & Maintenance of the Surgical Suite guideline is newly updated and featured in the 2024 edition of the Guidelines for Perioperative Practice book. It provides recommendations for:
・The design of the surgical suite(手術室の設計)
・Security measures(安全対策)
・Safety measures during new construction or renovation(新築または改築時の安全対策)
・Planning for utility service interruption(ユーティリティサービス中断に対しての計画)
・Restoration of the surgical suite to full functionality after a utility failure(実用サービス停止後の手術室の完全機能回復)
・Maintenance of structural surfaces(構造表面のメンテナンス)
・The design, monitoring, and maintenance of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning [HVAC] system(暖房、 換気、空調[HVAC]システムの設計、監視、メンテナンス)