Did you know that the ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL), sounds like 🍎, was recently approved by ACTFL for placement testing in higher education? It is true, and it may just be the solution you have been looking for to improve your postsecondary world language program.
Why the AAPPL?(なぜAAPPL?)
The AAPPL is a four skills test of reading, writing, listening, and speaking across the three modes of communication (interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational). Created for students in grades 3-12, the AAPPL rates proficiency from Novice Low all the way to Advanced Low, which is ideal for placement in postsecondary language programs.
In fact, the AAPPL is uniformly accepted as evidence of proficiency for the Seal of Biliteracy (SOBL) across the country. And AAPPL scores are increasingly used by postsecondary institutions for placement.
AAPPLは、読解、作文、リスニング、スピーキングの4技能を、3つのコミュニケーション・モード(解釈、対人、プレゼンテーション)にわたって測定するテストです。AAPPLは3年生(小学校3年)から12年生(高校3年)を対象としており、Novice Low(初級)からAdvanced Low(上級)までの習熟度を判定します。
実際、AAPPLは全米で一律にSeal of Biliteracy(SOBL)の習熟度の証拠として認められています。また、AAPPLのスコアは、中等教育後の進路決定にも利用されるようになってきています。
Take a bite from the AAPPL!(AAPPLとはなにか?)
The AAPPL is unique in that each skill and mode may be administered separately, depending on your program’s needs. Divided into Interpretive Reading, Interpretive Listening, Presentational Writing, Interpersonal Listening & Speaking (which involves a simulated conversation with a video chat partner), the AAPPL is a powerful tool that allows for flexibility at a very affordable price.
To get a quick sense of whether a student is prepared for a 200-level course, try just the Interpretive Reading and Listening sections. For a medical interpretation course, you may wish to just test Interpersonal Listening & Speaking.
生徒が200レベル(200レベルのコースは、通常、カレッジや大学などの教育機関における中級レベルのコースを指す。)のコースに準備できているかどうかを知るには、通訳リーディングとリスニングのセクションだけを試してみてください。医療通訳コースの場合は、Interpersonal Listening & Speakingだけをテストするのもよいでしょう。
Each section of the AAPPL takes about 30 minutes to administer; and the full AAPPL can be taken in one two-hour sitting or divided into sections. Interpretive sections are machine scored, providing results in a day or two, and productive skills are human rated, with scores returned within 10 business days. This gives you time before the semester starts to ensure students are accurately placed.
AAPPLの各セクションの所要時間は約30分で、1回2時間で全セクションを受験することも、セクションに分けて受験することもできます。解釈セクションは機械採点となり1~2日で結果が出ますが、Productive skills(生産的技能)セクションは人間採点となり、10営業日以内にスコアが返却されます。このため、学期が始まる前に学生を正確にクラス分けすることができます。
Make it official!(公式で行きましょう!)
The AAPPL is an official ACTFL assessment, so even though you may use it for placement, the test taker still receives an official ACTFL score that is recognized the world over. Learners can leverage their score as they seek opportunities in academic, business, government, and military sectors. Indeed, learners are often in the workforce part-time or full-time as they pursue their studies, allowing them to reap the benefit of an official ACTFL score immediately!
Why spend your time creating and scoring an achievement test to place your students, when you can use an official ACTFL test? Language Testing International (LTI), the exclusive licensee of ACTFL, administers over one million tests per year, delivering reliable scores along with peace of mind. With the AAPPL, you can be assured that the productive skills of speaking and writing are scored by trained ACTFL raters.
ACTFLの公式テストを利用できるのに、生徒を選抜するためのアチーブメントテストの作成や採点に時間を費やす必要はありません。ACTFLの独占ライセンシーであるLanguage Testing International (LTI)は、年間100万人以上のテストを実施し、信頼性の高いスコアと安心感を提供しています。AAPPLでは、スピーキングとライティングの生産的スキルは、ACTFLの訓練を受けた評価者によって採点されます。
What next?(次は何か?)
Now that you are convinced that the AAPPL is the best placement test for your post-secondary students, what will you use to measure growth and/or to evaluate your students at the end of your course or minor/major programming? An official ACTFL test, of course!
For example, the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) is a telephonic interview with a trained ACTFL rater. The OPI is considered the gold standard in language testing and is often used for exiting majors and teacher licensure. If scheduling is difficult, the Oral Proficiency Interview – Computer (OPIc) is a simulated conversation with an avatar rated by trained ACTFL raters and may be a viable option.
例えば、Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)は、訓練を受けたACTFLの評価者との電話面接です。OPIは語学力テストのゴールド・スタンダードとされ、専攻科を卒業する際や教員免許を取得する際によく用いられます。日程調整が難しい場合は、Oral Proficiency Interview – Computer (OPIc)を利用することもできます。これは、訓練されたACTFLの評価者によって評価されるアバターとの模擬会話で、実行可能なオプションです。
And if you wish to test other skills and modes of communication, the full suite of ACTFL assessments allows you to mix and match to meet your program’s needs. From the Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) to the Reading Proficiency Test (RPT) and the Listening Proficiency Test (LPT), ACTFL assessments delivered by LTI are proven valid and reliable, year after year, test after test.
また、他のスキルやコミュニケーション様式をテストしたい場合は、ACTFLのアセスメント一式を組み合わせることで、プログラムのニーズに対応することができます。WPT(Writing Proficiency Test)からRPT(Reading Proficiency Test)、LPT(Listening Proficiency Test)に至るまで、LTIが提供するACTFLのテストは、毎年、テストを重ねるごとに、その有効性と信頼性が実証されています。
Start with the AAPPL!(AAPPLから始めましょう!)
Start your semester off with the AAPPL and set the tone that your language courses are focused on proficiency. Once you know where learners have started, layer on a higher ed ACTFL test like the OPI, OPIc, WPT, LPT, and/or RPT to evaluate them summatively. You may also gain rich data about the efficacy of your program, curriculum, and instruction. Learners will benefit from an ACE accredited ACTFL test with an official ACTFL rating, an employability asset in any field they choose to pursue.
For more information about adding ACTFL assessments to your testing program, contact LTI at https://www.languagetesting.com/contact-us/sales