Employee retention is a critical concern for construction companies, particularly because it is an industry where skilled workers are in high demand. One often overlooked factor contributing to employee turnover is the sense of being misunderstood due to language barriers. “Construction companies need to take steps now to figure out how to effectively communicate with their non-English-speaking employees, specifically their Spanish-speaking employees. If they don’t, communication issues could arise that affect safety and make staffing even more difficult,” (Sandage). Does this resonate with your company’s experience? If so, certified bilingual project managers can serve as a powerful solution to address this issue, and Language Testing International® (LTI), a world-renowned language assessment provider, can be your strongest ally.
熟練労働者の需要が高い建設業界では、従業員の定着が建設会社の重要な課題となっています。離職の要因として見過ごされがちなのが、言葉の壁によって生じる誤解です。「建設会社は今すぐ、英語を話さない従業員、特にスペイン語を話す従業員との効果的なコミュニケーションを図るための対策を講じる必要があります。そうしなければ、安全性に影響するコミュニケーションの問題が発生し、人員配置がさらに難しくなる可能性があります」(サンデージ氏)。もし、あなたの会社がこのような問題を抱えているなら、認定バイリンガル・プロジェクトマネージャーが問題解決の強力なソリューションとなります。世界的に有名な言語評価プロバイダーであるLanguage Testing International® (LTI)は、強い味方となるでしょう。
Contact Us Today to Bring Language Proficiency Testing to Your Organization
Retain Skilled Workers With Language Assessments(言語評価による熟練労働者の確保)
As stated by a survey conducted for ACTFL, a considerable number of U.S. employers have reported that their workforce lacks the foreign language skills necessary for their needs. The survey also reported that approximately six in ten employers across various industries anticipate a rise in the demand for foreign language skills in the coming years, with the construction sector included in this projection. “From benefits to leadership development and training, showing that you want to take care of your employees and help them grow is an important aspect in internal retention to overcome labor shortages in the construction industry,” (Shover). In the construction industry, language proficiency is not optional if you want to retain skilled workers.
Consider a case scenario where a prominent construction firm that we will call Cimiento Construction is facing challenges with employee retention among its diverse workforce. Despite offering competitive wages and compensation packages, Cimiento Construction notices a trend of skilled workers leaving the company, citing frustration with communication barriers on the job site. Recognizing the detrimental impact of language barriers on employee morale and retention, Cimiento Construction’s leadership decides to seek assistance from LTI, a global leader in language proficiency assessments. Company employees are assessed for their proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Spanish, and through this process language skills that are lacking are identified. Armed with this insight, Cimiento Construction implements targeted language training programs to empower its employees with the communication skills necessary to thrive in their roles.
As a result of its partnership with LTI, Cimiento Construction has witnessed a substantial improvement in employee retention. Workers feel more valued and understood in the workplace, leading to heightened job satisfaction and increased loyalty to the company.
Invest in Language Assessments and Partner with LTI Today(言語評価への投資とLTIとの提携)
By embracing bilingualism and investing in language training, construction companies can cultivate a more inclusive and supportive work environment that fosters employee retention and long-term success.
In today’s fiercely competitive labor market, construction companies cannot afford to ignore the significance of addressing language barriers to retain their skilled employees. With the assistance of language assessment providers such as LTI, your company can harness the power of bilingualism to enhance employee retention and growth in this dynamic industry.
LTI, a leader in language testing with over three decades of experience in conducting language proficiency research and assessments, can deliver accurate results. Contact LTI today to equip your employees with globally recognized language credentials in speaking, reading, writing, and listening across over 120 languages, facilitated through secure, remote-proctored, and convenient online assessments.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers”. https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf
Sandage, Erin. “Communicating with non-English-Speaking Employees in Construction.” ARCORO. May 23, 2023. https://arcoro.com/blog/communicating-with-non-english-speaking-employees-in-construction/
Shover, Jack. November 1, 2022. “Tackling employee retention in today’s labor shortage in the construction industry.” KOMATSU. https://www.komatsu.com/en/blog/2022/employee-retention-in-the-construction-industry/