Construction sites are bustling environments where danger lurks around every corner, making clear communication essential for safety. Unfortunately, language barriers can significantly jeopardize workers’ well-being, leading to injuries, and in severe cases, fatalities. “From the first day on the job, every worker is entitled to a safe and healthy workplace free of hazards—regardless of where they’re from or the language they speak. It is every worker’s right to be trained in a language they understand and report a concern about safety or health at work,” (Frederick).
Certify Your Language Skills Today(今すぐ語学力を証明しましょう!)
Bilingualism Can Save Lives(バイリンガルは命を救う)
Bilingualism emerges as a superpower that can save lives in the construction industry. Consider the following situation in which Miguel, a Spanish-speaking skilled construction worker faces a daunting challenge on the job site due to his limited English proficiency. Despite his dedication and strong work ethic, Miguel struggles to communicate with his English-speaking colleagues, placing himself and others at risk.
One day, while working on a construction project, Miguel encounters an improperly installed section of scaffolding, posing a danger to anyone nearby. Miguel attempts to alert his colleagues, but his limited English skills make it difficult to convey the urgency of the situation, leading to a near-miss accident. Even though nobody was injured, the incident serves as a wake-up call for Miguel and his employer.
Determined to address the issue, Miguel and his employer embarked on a comprehensive language proficiency plan. Through targeted language training and assessments, Miguel’s strengths and weaknesses are identified to support his journey as an English language learner. Equipped with new vocabulary, Miguel gains the confidence to communicate effectively with his colleagues, especially in safety-critical situations on the job site. “Languages barriers may also impact employee orientation, skills assessments, and subsequent training, thereby leading to uncertainty of project-specific rules and policies, underutilized or unrecognized strength, and an increased number of on-site accidents,” (Cleveland Construction). Over time, Miguel’s language skills improve significantly, transforming him into an asset in the workplace.
Assess Your Language Proficiency Today with LTI(LTIであなたの言語運用能力を今すぐ評価しましょう)
According to a survey conducted for ACTFL, the most sought-after foreign languages in the United States include Spanish, Chinese, French, Japanese, German, Russian, Arabic, Italian, Korean, Hindi, and Portuguese. By investing in assessing your language proficiency and training in any of these languages, you can enhance your performance as a construction worker, foreman, roofer, project manager, or safety manager, as well as enhance safety and minimize risks in the construction industry.
Ordering an assessment from Language Testing International® (LTI), can help kick off your journey to proficiency in the language(s) of your choice. LTI, a renowned leader in language proficiency testing across 40 countries, offers legally defensible language certifications in over 120 languages. You also benefit from secure remotely proctored assessments that are tailored to your specific career needs.
Language Testing International® (LTI)にアセスメントを依頼することで、ご希望の言語の運用能力を身につけるための第一歩を踏み出すことができます。LTIは、40カ国に及ぶ言語運用能力試験のリーダーとして知られており、120以上の言語で法的根拠のある言語認定を提供しています。また、特定のキャリアニーズに合わせた安全な遠隔試験もご利用いただけます。
LTI is committed to empowering bilingualism and multilingualism individuals by encouraging them to harness their language superpower. In the construction field, following safety guidelines and protocols, preventing accidents, and fostering a culture of collaboration on every job site to protect workers is a mission fit for a superhero. Seize the opportunity to make a difference in the construction industry through language proficiency with LTI.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.” https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf
Cleveland Construction. “Challenges Posed by Language Barriers in Construction.” February 07, 2020. https://clevelandconstruction.com/general-contracting/blog/blog-feed/challenges-posed-by-language-barriers-in-construction
Frederick, Jim. “Expanding Efforts to Ensure the Health and Safety of Hispanic Worker.” U.S. Department Of Labor Blog. September 27, 2021. https://blog.dol.gov/2021/09/27/expanding-efforts-to-ensure-the-health-and-safety-of-hispanic-workers