Proficiency in foreign languages can significantly impact businesses, government agencies, and contracts in diverse sectors, especially when dealing with international partners or regions where multiple languages are spoken, both domestically and internationally.
Your Workforce’s Language Skills Can Propel Your Business to the Next Level(従業員の語学力がビジネスを次のレベルに押し上げる)
On the one hand, demonstrated fluency in two or more languages can streamline communication and negotiation processes, reducing the risks associated with serious misunderstandings or cultural clashes that can adversely affect your business endeavors. On the other hand, prioritizing language proficiency can foster rapport with potential clients, cultivate trust with future partners, and ensure compliance with laws and regulations to mitigate legal risks within the U.S. and abroad.
Many organizations, companies, and government agencies face language gaps that need to be addressed, prompting them to create and implement innovative strategies. One notable example is the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program, which provides opportunities for college and university students across the nation to learn languages through weeks of intensive instruction aiming to develop America’s global connections. “The U.S. Department of State sponsors and oversees the CLS Program, including CLS Spark, as part of a larger U.S. government effort to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering foreign languages that are critical to our national security, economic prosperity, and engagement with the world,” (CLS Program). Initiatives like the CLS Program align with recommendations to employers highlighted in the survey conducted for ACTFL, emphasizing the importance of designing multilingual programs and creating talent pipelines at the college and university levels to promote foreign language use across various industries.
多くの組織、企業、政府機関は、言語格差に対処する必要があるため、革新的な戦略を策定し、実施する必要に迫られている。その顕著な例のひとつが、クリティカル・ランゲージ・スカラーシップ(CLS)プログラムです。このプログラムは、全米の大学生や専門学校生を対象に、数週間の集中レッスンを通じて語学を学ぶ機会を提供するもので、アメリカのグローバルなつながりを発展させることを目的としています。「米国国務省は、国家安全保障、経済的繁栄、世界との関わりにとって重要な外国語を学び、習得するアメリカ人の数を拡大するための米国政府の大きな取り組みの一環として、CLS Sparkを含むCLSプログラムを後援、監督しています」(CLSプログラム)。CLSプログラムのようなイニシアチブは、ACTFLのために実施された調査で強調された雇用主への提言と一致しており、多言語プログラムを設計し、さまざまな業界で外国語の使用を促進するために大学レベルで人材パイプラインを構築することの重要性を強調しています。
The Value of Multilingual Employees(マルチリンガル社員の価値)
Language proficiency and accuracy are crucial for contractors bidding on government contracts and negotiating terms and conditions. Reducing the risk of disputes during proposal exchanges and document transactions is essential for successful outcomes. For that reason, investing in language training programs for employees engaging with clients or partners who speak languages other than English can elevate their language skills and provide insights into local practices. Additionally, professionals fluent in multiple languages within the workforce can serve as valuable intermediaries, facilitating collaboration, establishing long-term connections, overcoming language barriers, and reducing liability.
Lack of accuracy and misunderstandings can lead to significant financial losses for any business—large and small. “The US Committee on Economic Development suggests that American businesses lose more than $2 billion a year due to cultural misunderstandings,” (McCulloch). Similarly, demonstrating respect and commitment by reaching out in languages relevant to the target audience can enhance the likelihood of successful contract outcomes.
Assess Your Employees’ Language Skills Today(従業員の語学力を今すぐチェック)
Partnering with LTI can help organizations assess and enhance their employees’ language proficiency levels. LTI offers expertise in language proficiency assessments across all industries, providing valid certifications in over 120 languages through remotely proctored and secured assessments for convenience and efficiency. Contact LTI today to elevate your workforce’s language capabilities and to deliver high-quality services or products, effectively and safely.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.” https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf
McCulloch, Scott. “How Language Barriers Affect International Business.” Family Enterprise Foundation. July 02, 2019. https://familyenterprisefoundation.org/resources/resources/our-insights/articles/2019/july/how-language-barriers-affect-international-business/
CLS Program, Program Overview. Critical Language Scholarship. https://clscholarship.org/about