As the U.S. Department of Education places increasing importance on College and Career Readiness (CCR), educational programs across the country are looking for ways to ensure that their students are prepared to enter the workforce with the skills necessary to succeed. One area that holds great potential for contributing to this goal is world language education.
This article explores how leveraging language certification, particularly through ACTFL assessments, can:
1. enhance the value of language programs,
2. align programs with CCR standards, and
3. award students credentials that can open doors to both academic and career opportunities.
米国教育省が「大学進学・就職準備(College and Career Readiness: CCR)」をますます重視するようになる中、全米の教育プログラムは、生徒が成功に必要なスキルを身につけて社会に出るための準備を確実にする方法を模索しています。この目標に貢献する大きな可能性を秘めた分野のひとつが、世界言語教育です。この記事では、特にACTFLの評価を通じて、言語認定をどのように活用できるかを探ります。
The Seal of Biliteracy: Recognizing Language Proficiency(バイリンガル認定(The Seal of Biliteracy):言語能力認定)
One of the most tangible ways to connect world language programs to CCR is through the Seal of Biliteracy. The Seal of Biliteracy is a national recognition awarded to students who have demonstrated proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. In a country where multilingualism is increasingly recognized as an employability asset, the Seal serves as a powerful indicator of a student’s language abilities, offering a valued language credential.
世界言語プログラムとCCRを結びつける最も具体的な方法のひとつは、バイリンガル認定(Seal of Biliteracy)です。バイリンガル認定は、高校卒業までに2つ以上の言語に堪能であることを証明した生徒に与えられる全国的な認証です。多言語能力が就職に有利であると認識されつつある今日、この認定は生徒の言語能力を示す強力な指標となり、価値ある言語資格を提供します。
The Seal of Biliteracy, now offered in all 50 states, has been gaining the attention of both colleges and employers who recognize the value of multilingualism in today’s global economy. Students who earn the Seal of Biliteracy can earn college credit in a growing number of colleges and universities, and are seen as more competitive in the job market.
Events like the recent Seal of Biliteracy Summit organized by the US Department of Education, have highlighted the importance of language proficiency in various industries, from healthcare to finance to government. Employers are increasingly looking for candidates who can communicate across cultures, and students with the Seal of Biliteracy are better positioned to meet this demand.
ACTFL assessments, especially the AAPPL, are the preferred choice for many districts when it comes to awarding the Seal of Biliteracy because their benefits extend far beyond the Seal of Biliteracy. Only ACTFL assessments can provide official ACTFL certificates, which are widely recognized and trusted language credential in academic, commercial, and government sectors.
Language Testing for College Credit and Placement(大学の単位認定とクラス分けのための語学試験 )
While the Seal of Biliteracy is a key credential, world language programs have even more opportunities to align themselves with CCR standards through proficiency- and performance-based language assessments. ACTFL assessments provide a way to measure students’ language skills at various stages of their education, offering data that can be used for placement and credit in both K-12 and higher education settings.
In post-secondary education, second language skills may be evaluated for the potential award of college credit. ACTFL assessments are considered as the gold standard in proficiency-based language assessments. These five ACTFL tests have been reviewed and recommended for college credit by the American Council on Education.
中等教育後、大学の単位認定のために第二外国語の能力を評価することがあります。ACTFLの評価は、習熟度ベースの語学力評価における絶対的基準とみなされています。ACTFLの5つのテストは、米国教育審議会(American Council on Education)によって審査され、大学の単位認定に推奨されています。
ACTFL assessments are also used to qualify individuals for teacher licensure and are increasingly being recognized by industries that require language proficiency for specific roles. These assessments provide a legally defensible, standardized measure of language ability, giving both educators and employers confidence in the results.
Connecting Language Proficiency to Career Opportunities(語学力をキャリアのチャンスにつなげる)
One significant way world language programs can demonstrate their relevance to CCR is by connecting language abilities to real-world career opportunities. In an increasingly globalized economy, multilingualism is a skill that employers are actively seeking. (See “Making Languages Our Business” report from ACTFL). Proficiency in more than one language can set students apart from their peers and open career paths that would otherwise be inaccessible. They can easily see what types of job functions they might qualify for with their language ability by referring to Oral and Written Proficiency in the Workplace posters.
世界言語プログラムがCCRとの関連性を示す重要な方法の一つは、言語能力を実社会のキャリアの機会と結びつけることです。経済のグローバル化が進む中、多言語能力は雇用主が積極的に求める能力です。(ACTFLのレポート「Making Languages Our Business」を参照)。2つ以上の言語に堪能であれば、同級生と差をつけ、他の方法ではアクセスできないような進路を開くことができます。また、「Oral and Written Proficiency in the Workplace(職場における会話能力と筆記能力)」のポスターを参照すれば、自分の言語能力でどのような職務に就くことができるかを簡単に知ることができます。
For example, in sectors like healthcare, banking, law enforcement, hospitality, and retail, employees who are proficient in multiple languages are in high demand. Multilingual employees often command higher salaries than their monolingual counterparts, making language proficiency a valuable asset in the job market.
Read more: Articles on the value of multilingualism in the workplace
詳細記事:Articles on the value of multilingualism in the workplace
As the exclusive licensee of ACTFL Assessments, Language Testing International (LTI) has a long history of providing ACTFL assessments to certify language skills of employees across all industries as well as the federal and local governments with valid, reliable, and legally defensible language credentials. LTI’s partnerships with these organizations highlight the growing importance of language skills in various career paths and the role that ACTFL assessments play in validating those skills.
Language Testing International(LTI)は、ACTFL評価の独占ライセンシーとして、あらゆる業界の従業員や連邦政府、地方自治体に対し、有効で信頼性が高く、法的根拠のある語学資格証明としてACTFL評価を提供してきました。LTIとこれらの組織とのパートナーシップは、さまざまなキャリアパスにおいて語学力の重要性が高まっていること、そしてそのスキルを検証する上でACTFLの評価が果たす役割を物語っています。
Advocating for World Language Programs in CCR Initiatives(CCRイニシアティブにおける世界言語プログラムの提唱)
For educators and administrators, preserving and enhancing the relevance of world language programs in the context of CCR is crucial. One effective strategy is to advocate for the inclusion of language programs in broader CCR initiatives. Partnerships with Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, community organizations, guidance counselors, and workforce development services can further integrate language skills into broader educational goals, demonstrating the value of multilingualism in career readiness and ensuring that language learning remains an essential part of student development.
教育者や管理者にとって、CCRの文脈の中で世界言語プログラムの妥当性を維持し、向上させることは極めて重要です。効果的な戦略は、より広範なCCRのイニシアティブの中に言語プログラムを含めるよう提唱することです。キャリアと技術教育(Career and Technical Education: CTE)プログラム、地域組織、進路指導カウンセラー、労働力開発サービスとの連携により、言語スキルをより広範な教育目標に統合することができ、キャリア準備における多言語主義の価値を実証し、言語学習が生徒の成長に不可欠な要素であり続けることを保証できます。
Language programs can use the proven value of ACTFL assessments to advocate for their inclusion in broader CCR frameworks. By presenting data on how language proficiency boosts employability, adds value to students’ skill sets, and prepares them to qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy, educators can demonstrate the vital role language programs play in preparing students for college and career success.
語学プログラムは、実績のあるACTFL の評価を利用し、より広範な CCR の枠組みに含めるよう提唱できます。語学力がいかに就職力を高め、生徒のスキルセットに付加価値を与え、バイリンガル認定の資格取得につながるかというデータを提示することで、教育者は、生徒が大学やキャリアで成功するための準備として語学プログラムが果たす重要な役割を示すことができます。
By making the case that language proficiency is a critical skill for success in the global economy, educators can position world language programs as essential components of any CCR strategy.
See: Oral and Writing Proficiency in the Workplace
関連記事:Oral and Writing Proficiency in the Workplace
Conclusion: The Power of Language in College and Career Readiness(結論:大学進学・就職準備(CCR)における語学の力)
As the focus on College and Career Readiness continues to grow, world language programs have a unique opportunity to demonstrate their relevance and value. By leveraging ACTFL assessments, schools can provide students with credentials like the Seal of Biliteracy, offer pathways to college credit and placement, and connect language proficiency to real-world career opportunities.
Incorporating language programs into CCR frameworks not only prepares students for success in an increasingly globalized workforce but also ensures that these programs remain an integral part of the educational landscape.
Start a conversation with LTI to see how incorporating ACTFL assessments into your curriculum could help you build your program relevance and make your students college and career ready. Contact us today.