Are your language skills attuned to contemporary trends and global demands? Whether you are a bilingual or multilingual professional contemplating learning a new language or aiming to enrich your existing language skills, the question of which language to choose may linger. Some languages are considered particularly valuable to acquire, considering diverse factors. Which languages could lead and shape the future? Do they have equal importance in both the United States and on a global scale?
Choosing a Language to Learn(学ぶ言語の選択について)
Predicting the future in the ever-evolving realm of languages is challenging. Nonetheless, certain languages stand out as widely spoken and beneficial due to cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors. In the United States, language preferences may be influenced by immigration patterns, trade relationships, and global business connections. Additionally, language is a living entity, with dynamic tendencies that evolve over time. Hence, monitoring global developments is crucial to discern emerging language trends.
“When it comes to choosing the best language to learn for the future, there are two main factors to consider: interest and strategy. It takes time to learn a new language and it’s important to choose one that intrigues you or allows you to communicate easily and effortlessly in your bucket list destinations. Since over 40% of the world’s languages are endangered, strategy is also important so you can choose a language that will open doors for you in the future,” (Gorga).
Align Decisions to Personal and Professional Goals(個人的および職業的目標に沿った意思決定)
In the decision-making process regarding language acquisition or maintenance, aligning with personal and professional goals is of utmost importance. Moreover, keeping abreast of emerging technologies and industry trends is crucial. The sustained demand for foreign languages in the United States, essential for global competitiveness, requires ongoing education. “Numbers of learners will remain stable or rise in the next ten years. The main drivers for this are education, employment, technology, and global mobility. Employers, parents, and learners themselves are driving the need for English language education. They see it as a necessity for success in life, learning, and employment,” (Patel).
Leveraging Your Multilingualism in the Workforce(マルチリンガルを仕事に活かす)
While many countries incorporate English as a second language, U.S. employers, irrespective of their size, exhibit a significant demand for multilingual staff. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) survey identifies Spanish, Chinese, French, Japanese, German, Russian, Arabic, Italian, Korean, Hindi, and Portuguese as the most sought-after foreign languages in the United States. Interestingly, the top two are more likely to experience a skills shortage among U.S. employers.
In the face of a rapidly changing economy, proactive measures have become imperative. If you want to command more than one language, connect with Language Testing International (LTI) today to get started on your journey towards demonstrating your proficiency in languages spoken in leading economies. LTI, a leader in language proficiency testing across 40 countries, offers reliable certifications in over 120 languages. Benefit from secure remotely proctored assessments for your convenience. Stay ahead by embracing your ability to showcase linguistic diversity in the ever-evolving global landscape.
急速に変化する経済を前に、積極的な対策が不可欠となっています。複数の言語を操りたい方は、今すぐLanguage Testing International (LTI)にご連絡いただき、主要経済圏で利用されている言語の運用能力を証明するための旅を始めましょう。LTIは、世界40カ国に広がる言語運用能力試験のリーダーであり、120以上の言語で信頼性の高い認定を提供しています。お客様の利便性を考慮した、安全な遠隔試験による評価をご利用ください。進化し続けるグローバルな環境の中で、言語的多様性をアピールする能力を身につけることで、一歩先を行きましょう。
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.”
Gorga, Elizabeth. “What Are the Best Languages to Learn for the Future? Our 12 Top Picks.” GoAbroad. May 25, 2023.
Patel, Mina. British Council. “In our rapidly changing world what is the future of the English Language?” 18 April 2023.