Effective communication can mean the difference between life and death in different industries, especially in the healthcare field. This sector operates under high expectations, high risks, and an increasing demand for foreign language proficiency. According to a survey conducted for ACTFL, employers in healthcare and social assistance prioritize employees with foreign language skills more than those in any other sector.
Ensure Your Patients’ Safety with Bilingual Staff(バイリンガルスタッフによる患者の安全確保)
Can you imagine a hospital facing a surge in Spanish-speaking patients seeking emergency care? Without bilingual staff to bridge the language barriers, stress and chaos are inevitable. The presence of bilingual interpreters and nurses proficient in the patient’s language is essential to prevent critical information from being lost in translation, ensuring patient safety above all else. In such a scenario, a bilingual nurse proficient in both English and Spanish becomes indispensable. When faced with a non-English speaking patient experiencing acute abdominal pain, the nurse’s ability to communicate fluently in Spanish alleviates the person’s anxiety and enables clear communication. Through active listening and compassionate questioning, the nurse gathers crucial information about the onset, location, and severity of the patient’s pain. With a thorough understanding of the patient’s symptoms, the nurse communicates the information accurately to the medical team. As a result, the patient receives prompt evaluation and appropriate treatment, leading to an accurate diagnosis and adequate care journey. The bilingual nurse’s ability to converse effectively in Spanish plays a pivotal role in facilitating a smoother recovery. By bridging the language gap, she ensures that the patient’s concerns are addressed comprehensively, and in a timely manner.
Bilingual or multilingual professionals in the healthcare field can navigate linguistic barriers, build trust and rapport, not just with patients from different cultural backgrounds but with their families as well. “Being able to communicate well with the family of the patient is also important, as the effective explanation of a medical procedure through a language they can understand well can help ease their mind with the kind of care that their loved one is receiving. Moreover, effective explanations help the family members to actively participate in taking care of their loved one and aid in their recovery process,” (Adajar).
Assess Your Employees’ Language Skills to Serve Diverse Patient Populations(多様な患者に対応するための従業員の語学力評価)
By identifying and defining the language needs within your organization and assessing the language proficiency of current and potential employees, healthcare organizations can ensure they have the necessary linguistic skills to serve diverse patient populations. Furthermore, language proficiency assessments play a crucial role in mitigating serious errors and improving patient satisfaction scores. Institutions that prioritize bilingualism are better equipped to provide culturally competent care, resulting in enhanced patient experiences and outcomes. “Having culturally competent nurse managers and leaders provides support to bilingual nurses. When a nurse manager has a nurse on the team who speaks another language, strategically assigning the nurse to patients who speak that language can improve communication and workflow,” (Meeker).
相互接続された世界において、バイリンガリズムはまさに命を救う超能力です。人材育成に投資し、従業員の外国語運用能力を評価することで、地域社会の医療水準を向上させましょう。信頼性の高い言語運用能力評価については、30年以上の実績を持つLanguage Testing International(LTI)®️。LTIは、120以上の言語で有効な認定を提供し、お客様のご都合に合わせて安全な遠隔試験を実施しています。
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.” https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf
Adajar, Cam. “Advantages Of Being A Bilingual Healthcare Worker”. Caring Support. September 11, 2023. https://www.caringsupport.com/blog/advantages-bilingual-healthcare-worker
Meeker, Zelda. “The Demand for Bilingual Nurses and Their Impact.” Nurse.com Blog. September 06,2022. https://www.nurse.com/blog/demand-bilingual-nurses-their-impact/