Teaching RDA Webinar(RDA教育ウェビナーのご紹介)
Remember to register for and attend our 75-minute webinar Incorporating the Revised RDA in an LIS Cataloging Course. The free event begins at 11 AM CDT on Wednesday, August 4th. Burning questions for instructors May Chan and Elisa Sze should be directed to [email protected] over the next week or saved for the Q&A at the end of the webinar.
改訂版RDAをLIS(図書館情報学)のカタログコースに組み込むための75分間のウェビナーに登録してご参加ください。無料のイベントは、US時間8月4日水曜日の午前11時CDT(米国中部標準時)に始まります。インストラクターのMayChanとElisaSzeへの質問は、来週中に[email protected]に送信するか、ウェビナーの最後にあるQ&A用で保存する必要があります。
What Every RDA User Should Know About Children's Cataloging(すべてのRDAユーザーが子供の目録目録について知っておくべきこと)
This American summer at ALA Digital Reference, access to education is our priority. Forums, webinars, and blog interviews with RDA educators are all scheduled into our autumn. With that priority in mind, we recently asked Nassau Library System cataloger Michele Zwierski – author of the new book Cataloging Correctly for Kids – a few questions about the role of RDA in current children’s cataloging practices. Here is how she enlightened us:
ALA Digital Referenceでは、このアメリカの夏、教育へのアクセスが私たちの優先事項です。RDA教育者とのフォーラム、ウェビナー、ブログインタビューはすべてこの秋に予定されています。その優先順位を念頭に置いて、私たちは最近、ナッソー図書館システムの目録作成者であり、新しい本「Cataloging Correctly for kids」を出版した著者ミケーレ・ツヴィエルスキー氏(Michele Zwierski)に尋ねました。
ALA: Tell us about the state of children’s cataloging generally. What should RDA catalogers who are interested in it but don’t specialize in it know?
MZ: I think that the state of children’s cataloging is, for the most part, reflective of the state of all cataloging today. As a cataloger, I am trying to provide the best information to users as quickly as possible in a format that is consistent and accurate. During the pandemic, public catalogs have been used more frequently, as many library users switched to accessing library collections remotely. Sometimes the only way users could access collections was online. Catalogs that contain consistent, correct records perform better.
Catalogers who do not normally work with children’s resources, should, as with all their bibliographic record creations, keep the user front and center. How would a child search for this resource in the catalog? What concepts does this resource showcase that could be of interest to parents or educators? RDA allows catalogers to more effectively meet users’ needs.
通常は子供向けのリソースを使用しない図書目録作成者は、すべての書誌レコードの作成と同様に、ユーザーを前面に出し、中心に置く必要があります。子供はカタログでこのリソースをどのように検索しますか?このリソースは、保護者や教育者が関心を持つ可能性のあるどのようなコンセプトを示していますか? RDAを使用すると、カタログ作成者はユーザーのニーズをより効果的に満たすことができます。
Children’s collections are often the first place where new formats show up, and as a result, children’s librarians will always present technical services departments with the most challenges, such as locally created materials or new shelf arrangement ideas. Catalogers not acquainted with children’s library services should not be afraid to improvise. It is important as a cataloger to always support the service initiatives of the subject specialists, even if it means leaving your comfort zone.
CCK6 does provide insight and information for anybody working with children’s materials regardless of level of cataloging expertise or experience with children’s resources.
ALA: What inspired you to incorporate a discussion of RDA into this edition of your book on children’s cataloging?
MZ: Knowing about the existing cataloging standards is key to efficiently building an online catalog. As a cataloger, I work with a lot of copy cataloging. When a change happens, often I see it first in a record created by another institution. This could be a new format, a change in the form of a creator’s name, or a change in cataloging standards.
Recognizing changes is the first step. The next step would be acting on those changes. If many copy cataloging records are coming in that reflect a change in a cataloging standard, you must decide locally on how to proceed. Do you update your editing procedures to incorporate this new standard? Would these changes make the catalog better? Are there any advantages for the cataloger? Are there any advantages for the user? How does this new cataloging piece look and operate in your ILS? In CCK6, I hope that we present some fundamental information, so that a reader might understand that knowing something about RDA will be valuable when making local decisions.
ALA: What does the RDA implementation of LRM mean for catalogers of children’s resources?
ALA:Library Reference Model(LRM)のRDA実装は、子供向けリソースの目録作成者にとってどのような意味がありますか?
MZ: In my own understanding of LRM, I feel as though this is another step in the process of refreshing RDA with a goal of making our cataloging data widely usable. When we start seeing vendors build products that take advantage of RDA and LRM, that is when I will sense the value and meaning.
ALA: What are the most fundamental pieces of advice you have for children’s catalogers on how to approach the transition to the revised RDA?
MZ: My advice, as it is for any piece of the cataloging process, is to look for precedent. Study existing bibliographic records. Are there any elements that you see that would be useful for your catalog? Check the RDA Toolkit for instruction in using these elements. How does your ILS treat these elements? Are these elements displayed and/or searchable? Armed with this evidence, you can then confidently proceed to establish new procedures which may result in a better user experience for your community.
MZ:私のアドバイスは、目録作成プロセスのどの部分でもそうであるように、前例を探すことです。既存の書誌記録を研究します。カタログに役立つと思われる要素はあるか?これらの要素の使用方法については、RDA Toolkitを確認してください。ILSはこれらのエンティティをどのように扱いますか?これらのエンティティは表示および/または検索可能ですか?このエビデンスを武器に、自信を持って新しい手順の確立に進むことができます。これにより、コミュニティのユーザー経験が向上する可能性があります。
NARDAC Update Forum(NARDACアップデートフォーラム)
2021年8月30日(月)-1:30-3:30 PM US時間
Our latest NARDAC Update Forum is expected to include presentations by field experts Thomas Brenndorfer, Stephen Hearn, James Hennelly, Clara Liao, Robert Maxwell, Melanie Polutta, and Thi Bao Tran Phan. The presenters will provide updates on policy statements and metadata, an exploration of possibilities for the hybrid use of RDA, a discussion of RSC processes and opportunities, and news about RDA Toolkit. There will be time for audience questions. Register here.
最新のNARDAC更新フォーラムには、フィールドエキスパートのThomas Brenndorfer、Stephen Hearn、James Hennelly、Clara Liao、Robert Maxwell、Melanie Polutta、Thi Bao TranPhanによるプレゼンテーションが含まれる予定です。プレゼンターは、ポリシーステートメントとメタデータの更新、RDAのハイブリッド使用の可能性の調査、RSCプロセスと機会の説明、およびRDAツールキットに関するニュースを提供します。みなさんからの質問のための時間があります。このリンクから登録してください。
Translating RDA Webinar(RDAの翻訳のためのウェビナー)
2021年9月20日(月) 8:30-10:00 AM US時間
Save the Date: For September 20th, we have scheduled a webinar covering things to consider in making the decision to translate RDA Toolkit into another language, the work volume and process for translation, and the experience of translating RDA from English into three very different languages. Expected speakers include translators Rania Osman, Daniel Paradis and Marja-Liisa Seppälä; they will be available for a 30-minute open Q&A. A registration link for the free virtual event will be shared with you soon.
日付保存:9月20日に、RDA Toolkitを別の言語に翻訳することを決定する際に考慮すべき事項、翻訳の作業量とプロセス、およびRDAを英語から3つの非常に異なる言語に翻訳した経験を共有するウェビナーを予定しています。予想される講演者には、翻訳者のRania Osman、Daniel Paradis、Marja-LiisaSeppäläが含まれます。30分間の公開Q&Aも提供されます。無料となります。イベントの登録リンクはまもなく提供されます。