RDA Event in Mexico City
Grupo RDA México will hold the XI Encuentro de Catalogación y Metadatos RDA at the Biblioteca Nacional de México from September 6-8, 2023. The event will focus on experiences with training and implementing RDA. It will include speakers from the RDA Steering Committee and leading libraries across Latin America.
Grupo RDA Méxicoは、2023年9月6日~8日にメキシコ国立図書館でXI Encuentro de Catalogación y Metadatos RDAを開催します。このイベントでは、RDAのトレーニングや実施に関する経験に焦点が当てられます。このイベントには、RDA運営委員会およびラテンアメリカの主要な図書館から講演者が参加する予定です。
Join the RDA Toolkit YouTube Channel
The RDA Toolkit YouTube Channel includes presentations by leading RDA experts and training videos on how to use the official RDA and RDA Toolkit. The channel includes presenters from around the world and multilingual content. Subscribe now.

Countdown Clock for Original RDA Toolkit to Start in May 2026(オリジナルRDAツールキットのカウントダウン時計は2026年5月に開始へ)
The RDA Board in consultation with the Copyright Holders of RDA have determined that a hard date for the removal of the original RDA Toolkit website is needed. This determination was made against a backdrop of giving user communities plenty of time for planning their transition to official RDA. The plan is to begin a countdown clock in May 2026 (specific date still to be determined) with the original Toolkit site coming down a year later.
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