Periop Professional –
Are you caught up on the latest Guidelines updates for Preoperative Patient Skin Antisepsis? As an AORN member, you have complimentary access to an on-demand webinar explaining the most recent Guideline updates to help you:
・Recognize the impact of decolonization, preoperative bathing, and bundles interventions on reducing skin flora and surgical site infections
・Discuss considerations for implementation of decolonization in the surgical population
・Describe evidence for selecting antiseptics used in surgical site preparation
Need help with implementation? You also have access to Guideline Essentials for policy and procedure templates, competency verification tools, implementation road map, and more.
実際の実装についてサポートが必要ですか?また、ポリシーと手順のテンプレート、行動特性検証ツール、実装までのロードマップなどのAORNのGuideline Essentialsにアクセスできます。