The offices of AORN, Pfiedler Education, AORN Foundation, and Outpatient Surgery Magazine will be closed today Monday, January 17 in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
2022 marks the 28th anniversary of the national day of service that honors the life and legacy of Dr. King, and to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. AORN’s commitment to
diversity, equity, and inclusion in the community during 2021 is reflected in:
・A backpack drive in August that helped 600 students of color in two underserved elementary schools in Orlando
・A food drive for two elementary schools in Denver that aided 800 underserved students and their families
・Nursing education scholarships to people of color in the Denver area
・Employees’ opportunity to annually volunteer up to 8 hours per year for a charitable organization or social cause of their choice
(Normal business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 18.)
AORN、Pfiedler Education、AORN Foundation、およびOutpatient Surgery Magazineの各オフィスは、マーティンルーサーキングジュニア博士の生誕を記念して、本日1月17日月曜日はお休みとなります。