Happy National Nurses Month: AORN Foundation Scholarship Supports Periop Nurses' Dreams & Goals(全米看護師月間おめでとうございます:周術期看護師の夢と目標をサポートするAORN財団の奨学金制度)
Making Her Mark Thanks to an AORN Foundation Grant
Shereen Cruz, BSN, RN, CNOR is a dedicated perioperative nurse who knows the importance of her role in patients’ lives. While working in a Dallas teaching hospital, Cruz is also pursuing her graduate degree.
Thanks to a scholarship from the AORN Foundation, she’s pursuing her goal of becoming a surgical nurse practitioner.
In honor of Nurses Month, AORN applauds the dedication and passion of perioperative nurses like Cruz.
Read her story and see how you can support the educational goals for the next generation of perioperative nurses.
Shereen Cruz 氏(BSN、RN、CNOR)は、患者さんの人生における自分の役割の重要性を知っている、熱心な周術期看護師です。Cruzさんは、ダラスの教育病院で働きながら、大学院の学位も取得しようとしています。AORN財団からの奨学金により、彼女は外科看護師になることを目標に努力しています。