Hello Periop Professional – Can’t-Miss Member Resources This Month(周術期専門家 各位 - 今月情報源のご紹介!お見逃しなく!)
- New membership monthly subscription
- 4.4 free AORN Journal CNE CH
- AORN Expo 2021 posters (16 free CNE CH)
- Updated surgical smoke EBP tools
- Updated surgical smoke EBP tools
- 新しいメンバーシップ:月額サブスクリプション
- 4.4時間の無料AORN Journal CNE(継続看護教育)時間
- AORN Expo 2021ポスター(16無料CNE時間)
- サージカル・スモークのエビデンスに基づく実践ツールの更新
- 手術看護クイズ
NEW: AORN Membership Monthly Subscription(AORNメンバーシップー月額サブスクリプション)
We are excited to introduce this new wallet-friendly option for AORN membership. Gain access to vital members-only resources for just $15.50 per month.
Perioperative Nurses Week is November 14-20(本年の手術看護師ウィークは11月14日-22日です)
This year’s theme is advocacy. Let’s celebrate together! You’ll have a chance to win a one-year complimentary membership or registration to AORN Expo 2022. Thank you to Stryker, our Perioperative Nurses Week sponsor.
今年のテーマは権利擁護です。一緒にお祝いしましょう!AORNの1年間の無料メンバーシップまたはAORN Expo2022へ登録を獲得するチャンスがあります。手術看護師ウィークのスポンサーであるStryker社に感謝します。
Featured ANA Benefit: Free Webinar(ANAのメリット特集:無料のウェビナー)
Struggling with time management? Sign up for this on-demand webinar to get five useful hacks to improve your productivity and lower your stress. Plus, AORN members receive an ANA affiliate membership!
Earn 4.4 Free CH(4.4時間の無料CNE)
Get recommendations to prevent specimen-related errors in this new AORN Journal CNE article. Earn a total of 4.4 CH (a $48.40 savings) in the November issue. Join for free access.
この新しいAORN JournalのCNEの論文で、標本関連のエラーを防ぐための推奨事項を入手してください。AORN Journal 11月号で合計4.4CH($ 48.40の節約)を獲得できます。無料アクセスのためにご参加ください。
Build Your EBP(エビデンスに基づく実践の従事)
Are you implementing updated EBP for surgical smoke? Get quick, customizable, and ready-to-use templates and tools with Guideline Essentials, available to members only.
サージカル・スモークのために更新されたエビデンスに基づく実践を実装していますか?AORN eGuideline+に含まれる、Guideline Essentialsを使用して、メンバーのみが利用できる、すばやくカスタマイズ可能ですぐに使用できるテンプレートとツールを入手してください。
Advance Your IP & Control Expertise(感染予防と専門知識の向上)
APIC membership provides exclusive resources and programs to help you track infection trends, prevent HAIs, and manage effective infection prevention programs. Only AORN members can save $30 on APIC membership.
Pop Quiz(手術看護クイズ)
What organization requires hospitals to publicly report data (eg, pressure ulcer rate, perioperative hemorrhage, postoperative sepsis) on surgical patients?
Think you know the answer? Take the quiz to find out and be entered to win a $25 Visa gift card (drawing valid for members only).
Prevention of Perioperative Pressure Injury Tool Kit(周術期圧迫損傷の予防ツールキット)
Get evidence-based strategies and tools to help you prevent pressure injuries in your patients, such as presentations, checklists, webinars, posters, and more. Gain access to all AORN tool kits by becoming a member.
AORN Expo 2021 Posters Now Available(AORN Expo 2021ポスター利用可能)
AORN Expo 2021 posters focus on clinical improvement and innovation, research, evidence-based practice, and design/concept. Become a member to earn up to 16 free CH (a $275 savings).
AORN Expo 2021のポスターは、臨床の改善と革新、研究、科学的根拠に基づいた実践、および設計/概念に焦点を当てています。メンバーになると、最大16時間の無料CH(275ドルの節約)を獲得できます。
Looking to Advance Your Career with CNOR® Certification?(CNOR®(認定看護師試験)認定でキャリアを伸ばしたいですか?)
Jumpstart your exam review with 25 complimentary practice questions. Only members save up to $60 on registration for a Prep for CNOR course – online on demand or virtual live.
Surgical Smoke Petition to OSHA(サージカル・スモークの米国労働衛生局への請願)
AORN needs your help. Encourage friends and colleagues to watch this video and sign AORN’s petition urging OSHA to require surgical smoke evacuation in all ORs – protecting both surgical teams and patients. Only two weeks remain to make a difference.
What Members Are Saying(会員が言っていること)
“AORN membership is a must to keep up with technology. As a perioperative nurse, you become a lifelong learner. Having easy access to continuing education, events, the AORN Journal, volunteering opportunities, and presentations and posters from AORN Expo help expand my knowledge.”
– Mary Owen, MSN, BSN, RN, CNOR, Educator, AORN Member
「AORN会員権は、医療技術についていくために必須です。手術看護師として、生涯学習者になります。継続教育、イベント、AORNジャーナル、ボランティアの機会、およびAORN Expoのプレゼンテーションやポスターに簡単にアクセスできることで、私の知識を広げることができます。」
-Mary Owen(MSN、BSN、RN、CNOR、教育者、AORN会員)