Have you applied to take the CNOR® exam? Are you planning to apply soon?
Periop nurses with two years or more of experience may qualify for the OR certification exam. Everyone has their own pace, but to prepare for the exam, give yourself ample time to study (3-4 months) and explore the tools and resources available to help you:
・25 Free Practice Questions: downloadable PDF for your review.
・Prep for CNOR Flashcard Game: complimentary access on the AORN mobile app.
・eGuidelines Plus: online access to the most current AORN Guidelines and hundreds of tools to use as a primary reference for the exam. You receive 6-month access to eGuidelines Plus when you sign up for AORN’s Prep for CNOR Online course.
・Prep for CNOR Online (54 CH): includes a detailed 15-week study guide to help navigate through the 57 modules — complete with estimated timeframes for completion of each week of study.
・The Periop Life: 7 Practical Tips for CNOR Exam Prep
・Alexander’s Care of the Patient in Surgery
・The Periop Life: 5 Ways to Prepare for Your CNOR Certification Exam
Join the over 40,000 periop nurses globally who are CNOR certified.
・Prep for CNOR Flashcard Game:AORNモバイルアプリで無料アクセス。
・eGuidelines Plus:最新のAORNガイドラインと数百のツールにオンラインでアクセスでき、試験の主な参考資料として使用できます。AORN Prep for CNOR Onlineコースに登録すると、eGuidelines Plusに6か月アクセスできます。
・Prep for CNOR Online(54 CH):57のモジュール通じて、CNORへナビゲートします。詳細な 15週間の学習ガイドが含まれ、各週の学習完了までの推定時間枠が記載されています。
・The Periop Life:CNOR試験準備のための7つの実践的なヒント
・Alexander’s Care of the Patient in Surgery
・The Periop Life:CNOR認定試験に備える5つの方法