2023 AORN Guidelines Updates You Should Know(2023年AORNガイドラインの最新情報)
Dear Operative Professionals
As we all know, the perioperative arena is ever evolving, making it more important than ever to stay current with evidence-based, best practices. AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice is a vital tool for your entire perioperative team.
I am excited to announce that AORN’s 2023 Guideline edition will include the largest update AORN has ever released in one year. There are important changes to 8 of the 35 guidelines.
ご存知のように、周術期医療は常に進化しており、エビデンスに基づくベストプラクティスを常に把握することがこれまで以上に重要となっています。AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice(AORN周術期診療ガイドライン)は、周術期チーム全体にとって 不可欠なツールです。