How to Promote Your Language Skills to Find Your Dream Job(語学力をアピールして夢の仕事を見つける方法)

Are you a bilingual or multilingual professional seeking new or better job opportunities? Increasing your chances of finding specific roles that align with your language skills requires research and persistence. Don’t worry! There are several ways to discover language-specific jobs using various resources.
The Power of Networking
One essential strategy to advance your career that cannot be missing in your playbook is networking. “People quickly notice others that have stronger capabilities to make them relevant. When you standout in both your expertise and the services you offer, it creates room for partnership which in turn builds a career,” (Miller). The key to shaping the career of your dreams largely lies in establishing trustworthy and enduring connections that yield reciprocal professional benefits. First, ask yourself, “Who knows about my foreign language skills?” Then, carefully identify people in your business circle who are aware of your powerful language capabilities. You can call on them to make warm introductions to their friends in other companies who just might need your language skills.
Job Boards for Multilingual Professionals
Other channels that can serve as valuable support systems and can provide updated information about language-specific jobs are local community organizations and job search websites. Cultural centers or entities that help migrant communities often offer resources for individuals who speak languages other than English and connect them with other service providers that also need multilingual teams. Meanwhile, job search websites like Multilingual Vacancies and Eurojobs, allow you to access job opportunities based on language or location. Additionally, professional organizations provide job listings and career resources that can aid in meeting your career goals. “Another reason to join a professional association is the access to continuing education opportunities like certifications and courses,” (National Science Teaching Association, NSTA).
貴重な支援システムとして機能し、言語固有の求人に関する最新情報を提供できる他のチャネルは、地域のコミュニティ組織や求人検索ウェブサイトである。移民コミュニティを支援する文化センターや団体では、英語以外の言語を話す個人のためのリソースを提供したり、多言語チームを必要とする他のサービス提供者につないだりすることが多い。一方、Multilingual VacanciesやEurojobsのような求人検索サイトでは、言語や場所に基づいた求人情報にアクセスすることができる。さらに、専門職団体も求人リストやキャリアリソースを提供しており、キャリアの目標達成に役立ちます。「専門家団体に加入するもう一つの理由は、資格やコースなどの継続教育の機会を利用できることです」(National Science Teaching Association, NSTA)。
In-person Events
Lastly, attending job fairs, joining social media groups or digital platforms like LinkedIn, as well as participating in community events are also valuable avenues for meeting people, building connections, and creating professional networks.
Growing Demand for Multilingual Employees
According to a study conducted for ACTFL, about two-thirds of employers outsource language service providers (LSPs) to fulfill their business’ foreign language needs. The study also revealed that the healthcare and social assistance sectors are the most likely to contract with LSPs, followed by manufacturing, professional and technical services, education services, and construction describing similar use of foreign languages. “As diversity in the U.S. increases and globalization continues at a breakneck pace, so will the demand for spoken-language interpreters. Job prospects are especially bright for those fluent in Chinese, German, Russian, Portuguese, and Spanish,” (U.S. News). “Employment of interpreters and translators is projected to grow 20 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations,” (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).
ACTFLの調査によると、雇用者の約3分の2が、外国語のニーズを満たすためにランゲージ・サービス・プロバイダー(LSP)に外注しています。同調査によると、LSPと契約しているのは、医療・福祉分野が最も多く、製造業、専門・技術サービス業、教育サービス業、建設業がこれに続く。「米国の多様性が増し、グローバリゼーションが猛烈なスピードで進むにつれ、音声言語通訳者の需要も高まるでしょう。特に、中国語、ドイツ語、ロシア語、ポルトガル語、スペイン語に堪能な通訳者の仕事の見込みは明るい」(U.S.ニュース)。 「通訳・翻訳者の雇用は、2021年から2031年にかけて、全職種の平均をはるかに上回る20%の成長が予測されています」(米国労働統計局)。
Validating Your Language Skills
While building strong relationships is crucial, don’t overlook the importance of getting your language skills certified. Certification validates your language knowledge and skills everywhere you go.
Contact Language Testing International (LTI), a leader in providing language proficiency testing in 120+ languages. As an exclusive licensee of ACTFL language proficiency assessments, LTI administers valid and reliable language tests with the convenience of remote proctoring. With LTI, you can accurately assess your language skills in speaking, writing, listening, or reading anytime, anywhere, and obtain a valid certification that is recognized worldwide.
120以上の言語で語学能力試験を提供するリーディングカンパニー、Language Testing International (LTI)にお問い合わせください。LTIは、ACTFLの語学能力認定試験の独占ライセンシーとして、有効で信頼性の高い語学能力認定試験を実施しています。LTIを利用すれば、いつでも、どこでも、スピーキング、ライティング、リスニング、リーディングの語学力を正確に評価し、世界的に認知された有効な証明書を取得することができます。
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.”
Miller Cole, Bianca. “10 Reasons Why Networking Is Essential For Your Career.” Forbes. Mar 20, 2019.
NSTA. National Science Teaching Association. “4 Ways a Professional Association Can Help You Find a Job”.
U.S. News. Interpreter and Translator Overview.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.