Using Metrics to Enhance Your Multilingual Business Approach(多言語ビジネスアプローチを強化するための評価指標の活用)
In today’s business environment, all companies are operating within a multilingual economy where diversity prevails. The continuous demand for foreign language skills across most industries, as revealed in a survey conducted for ACTFL by Ipsos with the support of Language Testing International (LTI) and Pearson, underscores the undeniable advantage of having an effective multilingual business approach that includes hiring multilingual professionals. Evaluating metrics to assess the success of your multilingual strategy—especially the effectiveness of your multilingual hires—is now imperative.
In today’s business environment, all companies are operating within a multilingual economy where diversity prevails. The continuous demand for foreign language skills across most industries, as revealed in a survey conducted for ACTFL by Ipsos with the support of Language Testing International (LTI) and Pearson, underscores the undeniable advantage of having an effective multilingual business approach that includes hiring multilingual professionals. Evaluating metrics to assess the success of your multilingual strategy—especially the effectiveness of your multilingual hires—is now imperative.
Selecting Your Metrics
“The multilingual marketing approach allows you to communicate with people regardless of their geographical location, creating bonds and encouraging people to trust you.” (Laine-Naida) Monitoring and analyzing metrics to evaluate the impact of your approach and how you stand out when compared to your competitors is essential. The choice of metrics depends on your organizational goals with regards to promoting your products or services to culturally and ethnically diverse customers, industry type, and targeted geographical markets. Metrics should also correlate to the employees responsible for engaging with your diverse customers in their preferred language.
The primary objective of any business and its employees is to meet or, in the best-case scenario, exceed customer expectations, especially when catering to a multilingual customer base. There are several key metrics and methods that can provide insights into the successes achieved as well as the areas of improvement in your multilingual approach.
“多言語マーケティングのアプローチによって、地理的な場所に関係なく人々とコミュニケーションをとることができ、絆を作り、人々に信頼してもらうことができます。” (レイン・ナイダ (Laine-Naida氏) メトリクスのモニタリングと分析を行い、アプローチのインパクトと競合他社と比較したときの目立ち方を評価することは不可欠です。測定基準の選択は、文化的・民族的に多様な顧客、業種、ターゲットとする地理的市場への製品やサービスの販売促進に関する組織の目標によって異なります。また、指標は、多様な顧客と彼らの好む言語でエンゲージする責任を負う従業員とも関連付ける必要があります。
Customer Feedback
Gathering feedback (through methods such as surveys) directly from customers who interact with your multilingual employees is vital, as their experience and satisfaction levels greatly influence their purchasing decisions. Additionally, tracking customer support metrics such as customer satisfaction ratings for the provision of services in their preferred languages by your multilingual employees helps evaluate their effectiveness.
Social Media and Website Engagement
When seeking to improve the execution of multilingual efforts, analyzing social media and website engagement serves as a starting point. Having multilingual marketing professionals on your team can help you keep track of follower growth, likes, comments in languages other than English, and the shares that your business generates among multilingual audiences.
Website performance assessment is important in understanding if your multilingual clientele finds your website useful and how they engage with it. Does your website support the language preferences of all your diverse visitors? Is its content culturally relevant and linguistically accurate? Do the multilingual employees responsible for updating website content in various languages truly command the languages they claim they are proficient in? Metrics such as page views, time on site, and conversion rates shed light on the effectiveness of your online multilingual approach. If applicable, you can even compare conversion rates for the different languages available on your digital platforms to identify areas for improvement and who your star customers are so you can better cater to them.
Sales and Revenue Tracking
Assessing the resonance of your company’s multilingual approach and the effectiveness of your multilingual employees is incomplete without tracking sales and revenue. To gauge the effectiveness of your language strategy in terms of cost, compare expenses associated with translation and customer support—to mention a few—against the generated revenue and establish the Return on Investment (ROI) of your multilingual endeavors. Moreover, evaluating market dominance and expansion into new niches using key metrics like market share, brand recognition, and customer acquisition using specific languages can also be beneficial. To do all this, it is paramount to make sure you have employees with the language proficiency needed to meet and exceed your business goals.
Validating Language Proficiency of Multilingual Talent
Make sure you have the right multilingual professionals in place to prevent language skills gaps, and effectively operate in a growing global multilingual economy. In order to ensure your multilingual talent possesses the minimum levels of proficiency in the target languages, consider incorporating language assessments into your hiring and retention practices.
Language Testing International (LTI) is a leader in providing language proficiency assessments with over 30 years of experience administering remotely proctored language tests in more than 120 languages. As the exclusive licensee if ACTFL, LTI provides valid and reliable language credentials in listening, writing, speaking, and reading for you to hire and implement your multilingual business approach with confidence.
Language Testing International (LTI) は、30年以上にわたって120以上の言語で遠隔プロクターによる言語テストを実施してきた経験を持つ、言語能力評価提供のリーダーです。ACTFLの独占ライセンシーであるLTIは、リスニング、ライティング、スピーキング、リーディングの各分野において、有効かつ信頼性の高い語学力証明書を提供しています。
Watch: Four Tips for Hiring Multilingual Talent
ウォッチ マルチリンガル人材を採用するための4つのヒント
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.” Warren Laine-Naida.
“9 Benefits of a Multilingual Marketing Approach for Your Business.” Digital Consulting. May 17, 2023.
Vasco, Pedro. “How to Measure the Success of Your Language Operations”. July 23, 2021. CustomerThink. your-language-operations/