From research to practice: Not your typical book club(研究から実践へ:普通の読書会と違います!)
Join this week’s hands-on discussion of recent Foreign Language Annals (FLA) article, “Recruitment and Retention of World Language Teacher Education Majors: Perspectives of Teacher Candidates and Alumni to Remedy A Global Shortage.” Authors Brigid Burke and Diane Ceo-DiFrancesco will provide a brief overview followed by guided reflection in small groups. Sign up to attend this free webinar.
今週は、Foreign Language Annals(FLA)の最新記事、”Recruitment and Retention of World Language Teacher Education Majors:世界的な言語不足を解消するための教師候補と卒業生の視点”。著者のBrigid Burke氏とDiane Ceo-DiFrancesco氏が簡単な概要を説明した後、小グループでの考察を行います。この無料ウェビナーへの参加は、こちらからお申し込みください。