In the realm of international business, English has become the prevailing lingua franca (a language used between people not sharing the same native language to facilitate communication), bridging the communication gap among individuals of varying native languages. The primary objective is to ensure seamless collaboration among colleagues, clients, and customers, all in pursuit of achieving desired outcomes or goals. So, how can companies maintain linguistic consistency among their multilingual and multicultural teams? The answer might lie in the application of what’s known as “Global English.”
What is Global English?(グローバル・イングリッシュとは何か?)
“A Global English approach is similar to using what is termed “plain language,” or jargon-free language. For example, instead of saying “we need their buy-in,” you could say “we need their support.” However, Global English goes one step further than plain language by including cultural nuances, such as etiquette,” (Bullock & Sanchez). This refined form of written and spoken English enhances clarity and accuracy in global scenarios. According to these authors, an effective way to communicate in multinational teams can be achieved by prioritizing clarity over idiomatic expressions; discarding abbreviations that can be misinterpreted, opting for literal expressions in place of culturally dependent language; and fostering connections through empathy and avoiding jokes that might fall into insensitive humor.
“グローバル・イングリッシュ”のアプローチは、いわゆる”プレーン・ランゲージ”、つまり専門用語を使わない言葉を使うことに似ています。例えば、”彼らの賛同が必要だ”と言う代わりに、”彼らのサポートが必要だ”と言うことができます。しかし、グローバル・イングリッシュは、エチケットなどの文化的なニュアンスを含むことで、プレーン・ランゲージよりもさらに一歩進んでいます」(Bullock & Sanchez)。この洗練された書き言葉と話し言葉は、グローバルな場面での明瞭さと正確さを高めることができます。これらの著者によれば、多国籍チームでの効果的なコミュニケーション方法は、慣用的な表現よりも明瞭さを優先し、誤解を招く可能性のある略語を捨て、文化に依存した表現の代わりに文字通りの表現を選び、共感を通じてつながりを育み、無神経なユーモアに陥る可能性のあるジョークを避けることで達成できるといわれています。
Benefits of Adopting Global English in a Global Market(グローバル市場でグローバル・イングリッシュを採用するメリット)
Any company engaged in a global market with partners and customers in multiple countries can benefit from adopting Global English. This opens the door to a broader talent pool worldwide, enriching the workforce with highly skilled professionals. English is a prominent example of a global language in the modern world, its influence extends into diplomacy, science, and technology. Thus, integrating a common language can create spaces for international opportunities, while also mitigating the risk of misunderstandings.
Rather than making English sound like other languages or over-formalizing it, writing with a global audience in mind clarifies written English so that anyone can understand. That includes native speakers,” (United Language Group).
英語を他の言語と同じように聞こえるようにしたり、形式化しすぎたりするのではなく、グローバルな読者を意識して書くことで、書かれた英語が誰にでも理解できるように明確になります。その中にはネイティブ・スピーカーも含まれます」(United Language Group)。
The Necessity of Language-Related Training(言語関連トレーニングの必要性)
Effective communication is a challenge even among those who speak the same language. Therefore, the advantages of a global language are evident. However, a survey conducted for the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), suggests that American employers should not take for granted the English skills of their customers, colleagues, or vendors. Recognizing the necessity, companies should invest in language-related training given their high dependency on bridging foreign language gaps. Operating at a global scale means companies must be sensitive to cultural differences and consider offering language support to employees for whom English is not their first language. Using a Global English approach can simplify processes, and proficiency in foreign language skills which will contribute to the company’s ability to leverage its global networks and nurture a positive corporate culture.
The bottom line is that communicating clearly affords companies an opportunity to reach a more extensive and diverse audience, and potentially boost revenue—which is the ultimate goal. Language is a living, dynamic entity, that is always changing. Employing various strategies to adapt to the global market’s demands and facilitate swift problem-solving is paramount. Your company can be a beacon of innovation by upgrading the language skills of your workforce. Connect with Language Testing International (LTI) today. LTI provides legally defensible language credentials in over 120 languages, each tailored to accurately assess an individual’s specific proficiency level. With LTI’s remotely proctored tests, language assessments are accessible anytime, from anywhere in the globe.
明確なコミュニケーションにより、企業はより広範で多様な聴衆にリーチする機会を得ることができ、最終的な目標である収益を向上させる可能性があります。言語は常に変化し続けるダイナミックな存在です。グローバル市場の需要に適応し、迅速な問題解決を促進するためには、さまざまな戦略を採用することが最も重要です。従業員の言語スキルをアップグレードすることで、貴社は革新の光となることができます。今すぐLanguage Testing International (LTI)にご連絡ください。LTIは、各個人の特定の言語運用能力を正確に評価するよう調整された、120以上の言語で法的に有効である言語資格証明書を提供します。LTIの遠隔試験により、世界中のどこからでも、いつでも語学力評価にアクセスすることができます。
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.” https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf
Bullock, Dan, Sánchez, Raúl. “What’s the Best Way to Communicate on a Global Team?” Harvard Business Review. March 22, 2021. https://hbr.org/2021/03/whats-the-best-way-to-communicate-on-a-global-team
United Language Group. “What is Global English?” https://www.unitedlanguagegroup.com/blog/strategy/what-is-global-english