A bilingual employee can play a crucial role in bridging communication gaps and preventing misunderstandings from escalating into costly legal disputes involving a legal contract. For example, effective communication between landlords and a diverse tenant community is essential for smooth transactions and mutual understanding. Bilingual leasing agents in the U.S. can be instrumental in dissipating tensions and resolving serious conflicts amicably between various parties. Bilingualism is a superpower that can help prevent bad publicity caused by a breach of a legal agreement and ensure clarity and fairness for all individuals involved.
Certify Your Language Skills Today(言語スキルを証明しましょう)
Your Language Skills Can Save the Day(言語スキルは1日を節約する)
We all know that leasing contracts are often complex due to legal terminology that can be difficult to understand even for native speakers. This complexity is amplified for non-English-speaking tenants by language barriers. Leasing agents and property managers proficient in multiple languages can significantly improve tenant understanding and satisfaction. “Additionally, being able to translate legal and financial real estate terminology into easier to understand language makes the process more comfortable for prospective renters,” (Indeed Editorial Team).
Imagine a scenario involving a property management company in Los Angeles, California, called Sunset Estates, which oversees a diverse portfolio of residential properties. One of their tenants, Jean-Pierre, a native Haitian Creole speaker, resides in one of their apartment complexes. Recently, Jean-Pierre received a formal notice in English regarding a lease violation for unauthorized modifications to his apartment. Jean-Pierre, who has limited proficiency in English, struggled to understand the notice, leading to escalating frustrations and potential legal action.
Confused and worried, he attempts to discuss the matter with the property manager, Mr. Thompson. Due to the language barrier, the conversation becomes strained. Jean-Pierre feels misunderstood and ignored, causing him to consider seeking legal counsel to address what he perceives as an injustice.
Mirlande Henry, an employee of the property management company who is fluent and certified for her language proficiency in both English and Creole, learns about the situation and approaches Mr. Thompson. She offers to mediate, recognizing the importance of clear communication in preventing legal disputes. Mr. Thompson agrees, hopeful that Mirlande’s language skills can alleviate the situation. During the meeting with the two individuals, Mirlande translates the notice into Creole, explaining the lease violation and the required steps to solve the problem. She also listens to Jean-Pierre’s side of the story in Creole, providing a safe space for him to express his concerns fully.
不動産管理会社の従業員で、英語とクレオール語の両方に堪能で言語運用能力を認定されているMirlande Henryさんは、この状況を知り、Thompson氏に接触しました。彼女は、法的紛争を防ぐには明確なコミュニケーションが重要であることを認識し、調停を申し出ました。Thompson氏は、Mirlandeさんの語学力なら状況を緩和できると期待し、同意しました。2人との面談で、Mirlandeさんは通知書をクレオール語に翻訳し、リース違反と問題解決に必要な手順を説明しました。彼女はまた、Jean-Pierreの言い分をクレオール語で聞き、彼が懸念を十分に表明できる安全な場を提供しました。
Jean-Pierre explains that he made the modifications to accommodate a family member with mobility issues, not realizing he needed prior approval. He apologizes and expresses his willingness to comply with the lease terms with clear guidance. Mr. Thompson agrees to provide a reasonable timeframe for Jean-Pierre to either remove the modifications or submit a formal request for approval. Mirlande translates Mr. Thompson’s response back to Jean-Pierre. The tension dissipates, and both parties agree on a plan moving forward.
Certify Your Language Skills Today(言語スキルを証明しましょう!)
A survey conducted by ACTFL found that a significant number of U.S. employers reported their employees fall short of meeting their foreign language customer base needs. Being able to discuss a contract violation in the customer’s preferred language and provide solutions, makes the process smoother and avoids costly litigation.
If you are bilingual, any property management firm could benefit from your foreign language skills, highlighting the importance of taking language proficiency assessments and keeping your linguistic skills up to date. A language proficiency certification is a valuable credential that stands out among other colleagues by helping reduce misunderstandings, prevent disputes, and restore customer satisfaction and trust in your workplace.
Order from Language Testing International® (LTI), a leader in language proficiency assessments, and secure legally defensible language credentials that confirm you are capable of providing clear explanations, improving the overall experience, and meeting the language needs of a diverse customer base. Each test is designed to accurately determine an individual’s specific proficiency level. The assessments are available in over 120 languages for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. LTI tests are remotely proctored, facilitating language assessments that can be taken anytime, anywhere.
言語運用能力測定のリーダーであるLanguage Testing International® (LTI)にご注文いただくと、明確な説明を提供し、全体的な体験を向上させ、多様な顧客ベースの言語ニーズを満たす能力があることを証明する、法的防御力のある言語資格を取得できます。各テストは、個人の特定の言語運用能力を正確に判定するように設計されています。テストは、読む、書く、聞く、話す等の4技能について120以上の言語に対応しています。LTIのテストは遠隔で実施されるため、いつでもどこでも語学力評価を受けることができます。
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers”. https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf
Indeed Editorial Team. “Learn About Being a Leasing Consultant. January 26, 2023. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/careers/what-does-a-leasing-consultant-do