Is your proficiency in multiple languages the missing link needed to enhance the ability of the healthcare system to serve patients with limited English skills? What lies ahead for multilingual professionals in healthcare? Will ongoing training and assessments remain crucial for your career relevance in healthcare, even with the integration of artificial intelligence into the healthcare system?
The Importance of Language Skills in the Healthcare Industry(ヘルスケア業界における言語スキルの重要性)
While technological advancements, such as multilingual chatbots and AI-driven language interpretation tools, can alleviate language barriers between healthcare providers and patients, the imperative to continually refine your linguistic skills as a bilingual or multilingual professional in the provision of medical interventions will continue to persist for years to come.
As the United States becomes increasingly linguistically diverse, the education of healthcare professionals must evolve and adapt to better meet the needs of multilingual patients. Whether as a nurse, doctor, or interpreter, serving as that crucial link between medical providers and patients who speak different languages is a role that is not anticipated to fade away, as research shows. Your proficiency in additional languages can prevent compromising patient safety. Moreover, in our interconnected world, healthcare professionals will need to collaborate globally at some point in time. “Bilingual nurses may find more opportunities to work in non-English speaking countries. They can serve as international travel nurses and take on crisis assignments abroad,” (Robinson).
The High Demand of Foreign Language Skills in Healthcare(医療分野における外国語スキルの高い需要)
According to a survey conducted for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), employers in healthcare and social assistance sectors greatly value professionals with foreign language skills due to their high demand. The primary objective remains equipping healthcare staff with the necessary language skills and cultural awareness to communicate effectively, deliver quality care, and provide accurate treatment, regardless of patients’ language or cultural background. Fostering empathy, cultural sensitivity, and recognizing the fundamental role of human interactions are aspects in which technology has yet to surpass humans.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)が実施した調査によると、医療・福祉分野の雇用主は、外国語スキルを持つ専門家の需要の高さを高く評価しています。患者の言語や文化的背景にかかわらず、効果的なコミュニケーションを図り、質の高いケアを提供し、的確な治療を行うために必要な語学力と文化的認識を医療スタッフに身につけさせることが第一の目的であることに変わりはありません。共感、文化的感受性を育み、人間関係の基本的な役割を認識することは、テクノロジーが人間を超えるには至っていない側面とのことです。
“Non-native speakers often require language training as their job roles evolve, they are promoted, or their organization expands into new international markets,” (Zielinski). To better cater to diverse patient populations, and positively influence healthcare settings, upgrading linguistic skills through comprehensive training is essential. This involves understanding various cultural norms and communication styles.
If a skilled healthcare interpreter is not always available inside the clinical setting, many medical facilities utilize interpreter services to overcome linguistic barriers between healthcare providers and individuals with limited language proficiency. “Research from Nursing Management has shown that bilingual healthcare professionals and effective interpreter services increase patient health and satisfaction. Bilingual healthcare professionals and interpreters help improve healthcare outcomes by facilitating communication and bridging cultural gaps between patients and providers,” (Deering).
熟練した医療通訳者が臨床現場で常に利用できるわけではない場合、多くの医療施設では、医療従事者と言語能力の乏しい人々との間の言語的障壁を克服するために通訳サービスを利用しています。”Nursing Management “の調査によると、バイリンガルの医療従事者と効果的な通訳サービスは、患者の健康と満足度を高めることが示されています。バイリンガルの医療専門家と通訳は、コミュニケーションを促進し、患者と医療提供者の間の文化的ギャップを埋めることで、医療成果の向上に貢献します。(Deering氏)
As a bilingual healthcare professional, you can become a champion in addressing and advocating for high-quality healthcare services for multilingual and multicultural patients. Reach out to Language Testing International (LTI) to get the credentials you need to demonstrate your much needed language skills in providing patients of diverse backgrounds equal access to quality healthcare. LTI, a leader in language proficiency testing across over 40 countries, offers reliable and valid certifications in over 120 languages. Secure, remotely proctored assessments are available for your convenience from the comfort of your home.
バイリンガルの医療専門家として、あなたは多言語および多文化患者のための質の高い医療サービスに取り組み、提唱するチャンピオンになることができます。Language Testing International (LTI) に連絡し、多様な背景を持つ患者に質の高い医療を平等に提供するために必要な語学力を証明する資格を取得してください。LTIは、40カ国以上の言語能力試験のリーダーであり、120以上の言語で信頼性の高い有効な資格を提供しています。ご自宅にいながら、安全な遠隔試験を受けることができます。
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.” https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf
Deering, J.D., Maura. “Addressing Language Barriers in Healthcare” NurseJournal. Published September 29, 2023. https://nursejournal.org/articles/language-barriers-in-healthcare/
Robinson, MSN-Ed, BSN, RN, Charmaine. “What Is the Best Second Language for Nursing Students to Learn?” Nurse Journal. Published June 30, 2023. https://nursejournal.org/articles/best-second-language-for-nursing-students/
Zielinsky, Dave. “How technology is changing Language Skills Assessments, Training.” SHRM. https://www.shrm.org/topics-tools/news/technology/how-technology-changing-language-skills-assessments-training