A spoonerism is a mispronunciation of a short phrase. It occurs when a person swaps word sounds while verbalizing two or more words. “Take a shower” becomes “shake a tower” when the brain’s speech center momentarily causes confusion or a person loses focus while speaking. While spoonerisms are common in English, they can occur in any language.
スプーナリズム(頭音転換)とは、短いフレーズの発音の間違いである。2つ以上の単語を発声する際に、単語の音が入れ替わってしまうことで起こります。脳の言語中枢が一瞬混乱したり、話している最中に集中力が切れたりすると、「Take a shower」が「shake a tower」になります。スプーナリズム(頭音転換)は英語でよく見られるが、どの言語でも起こることです。
What Is a Spoonerism?(スプーナリズム(頭音転換)とは?)
A spoonerism is a sound transposition that mixes sounds in a short phrase involving two or more words. It occurs when an individual uses a phrase or word’s initial sounds interchangeably. People may switch parts of words or phrases, such as vowels and consonants. For example, someone may say “cast far” when they mean to say “fast car.”
People sometimes mistake a spoonerism for a malapropism, but malapropisms are different. A malapropism is when an individual uses a word incorrectly. For example, someone may say “apprehend” when they mean to say “comprehend.”
スプーナリズム(頭音転換)とは、2つ以上の単語を含む短いフレーズの中で、音を混ぜ合わせることです。フレーズや単語の頭文字を入れ替えて使用することで起こります。母音と子音など、単語やフレーズの一部を入れ替えることもあります。例えば、”fast car”と言いたいのに、”cast far “と言ってしまう。
Where Did the Name “Spoonerism” Come From?(「スプーナリズム(頭音転換)」の名前の由来は?)
The term “spoonerism” was coined after William Archibald Spooner. Spooner was a clergyman and a New College of Oxford University dean and professor. He was a well-respected member of the university’s staff, but he was also well-known for swapping parts of different words with each other.
Spooner frequently mispronounced phrases, switching parts of words during speeches and gatherings. For example, he once reprimanded a student, saying they “hissed my mystery lecture,” not “missed by history lecture.” Because he mispronounced words frequently, people eventually started calling these verbal errors “spoonerisms.”
スプーナー氏は、スピーチや集会中に言葉の一部を入れ替えて、フレーズを言い間違えることが頻繁にありました。例えば、彼はある学生を叱責したことがある。”miss by history lecture(歴史講義を聞き逃す)”ではなく、”hissed my mystery lecture(私の謎の講義にシーと言って黙らせる)”と言ったのだ。彼が頻繁に言葉の発音を間違えたため、やがて人々はこうした言葉の間違いを”スプーナイズム(頭音転換)”と呼ぶようになりました。
Do Spoonerisms Happen in Other Languages?(スプーナリズム(頭音転換)は他の言語でも起こりますか?)
Spoonerisms happen in other languages, too. A spoonerism occurs when a person switches different sounds, so it can happen while speaking any language.
German Schüttelreimes are poetic devices combining spoonerisms and rhymes. A poet intentionally uses a Schüttelreime to take the final two words’ consonants in one line and swap the same consonants in the following line. For example, one line may read, “A loud and rambunctious bold cat,” while the subsequent line reads, “may find itself struck with a cold bat.”
ドイツ語のSchüttelreimesは、スプーナリズム(頭音転換)と韻を組み合わせた詩的表現です。詩人はシュッテルライム(Schüttelreimes)を使って、ある行の最後の2つの単語の子音を取り、次の行で同じ子音を入れ替えます。例えば、ある行は”A loud and rambunctious bold cat”(騒々しく暴れん坊の猫)と読み、続く行は”may find himself struck with a cold bat”(冷たいバットで殴られるかもしれない)と読みます。

What Causes Spoonerisms?(スプーナーリズム(頭音転換)の原因は何か?)
Spoonerisms occur when the part of the brain controlling speech momentarily causes confusion and switches a phrase’s sounds as a person verbalizes them. The following factors can cause or increase spoonerisms:
Nervousness or Distraction(緊張または注意散漫)
People often say spoonerisms when they talk too fast, lose focus, or become distracted while talking. A nervous tick can increase the chances of saying spoonerisms and the frequency of these errors.
Dyslexia can also increase the chances of verbalizing spoonerisms while speaking. Individuals with dyslexia have reduced use of their brain’s sound categories. This limited access to sound categories can cause people to mispronounce words and swap word sounds.
Thinking of Two Phrases Simultaneously(二つのフレーズを同時に考える)
Speech errors can also occur when an individual says a phrase before deciding which phrase they want to say. Their brain may activate two competing phrases or speech plans simultaneously, causing a person to mix up the phrases and sounds they’re trying to say.
Speaking a Second Language(第二言語を話す)
A spoonerism may also be more likely when a person is speaking a second language. You may mix word sounds while speaking a second language because you’re less familiar with it than your primary language.
How to Prevent Spoonerisms(スプーナーリズム(頭音転換)を防ぐには)
If you want to prevent spoonerisms, you can practice speaking slowly and clearly. You can avoid spoonerisms in a second language with frequent practice. Speaking a second language out loud makes the correct pronunciation and usage feel more natural, and you can get used to how the words should sound when you speak them.
Give yourself time to enunciate each word when you talk. Practicing before giving a speech or taking a language test can help you reduce nervousness and help you remain focused when you need to speak.
25 Examples of Spoonerisms(スプーナリズム(頭音転換)の25の例)
Some spoonerisms are minor and may go unnoticed, while others can be funny or embarrassing. A phrase’s context determines how funny a spoonerism is because switching sounds in words can change the phrase’s meaning. Spoonerisms can also be intentional.
Consider the following spoonerism examples to understand this type of linguistic error:
Short Spoonerisms(二単語の語音転換)
Short spoonerisms occur in two-word phrases, such as the following:
・“Sad ballad” for “bad salad”(「悲しいバラード」と「まずいサラダ」)
・“Belly jeans” for “jelly beans”(「ベリー・ジーンズ(?)」と「ジェリー・ビーンズ」)
・“Trail snacks” for “snail tracks”(「遠足のおやつ」と「かたつむりの足あと」)
・“Brunday sunch” for “Sunday brunch”(日曜日のブランチ」のはずが「ブランデー・サンチ(?)」に)
・“Chork pops” for “pork chops”(「ポーク・チョップ」のはずが「チョーク・ポップ(?)」に)
・“Plaster man” for “master plan”(「全体計画」のはずが「ばんそうこう男」に)
・“Treach bip” for “beach trip”(「ビーチ・トリップ」のはずが「トリーチ・ビップ(?)」に)
・“Barter wottle” for “water bottle”(「水筒」のはずが「ウォトル交換(?)」に)
・“Heaving loam” for “leaving home”(「波打つ壌土」と「外出」)
・“Chilled greese” for “grilled cheese”(「焼いたチーズ」は「冷えたグリース(本来はgrease)」に)
・“Drain bamage” for “brain damage”(「脳外傷」は「バメージ(?)を流し出す」に)
・“Bamburger huns” for “hamburger buns”(「ハンバーガー・バンズ」のはずが、「バンバーガー・ハンズ(?)」に)
Long Spoonerisms(三単語以上の語音転換)
The following longer examples of spoonerisms are also amusing:
・Cakeing a bake” for “baking a cake”(「ケーキを焼く」が「オーブン料理を分厚くコーティングする」に)
・“Criving the dar” for “driving the car”(ドライビング・ザ・カー」のはずが「クライビング・ザ・ダー(?)」に)
・“Chewing the doors” for “doing the chores”(「雑用をこなす」 はずが「ドアを噛む」に)
・“A lack of pies” for a “pack of lies”(「うそのかたまり」は「パイの不足」に)
・“Shake a tower” for “take a shower”(「シャワーを浴びる」はずが「タワーを揺らす」に)
・“Chipping the flannels” for “flipping the channels”(「チャンネルを変える」はずが「フランネルシャツがほつれる」に)
・“Wave the sails” for “save the whales”(「クジラを守る」はずが「帆を揺らす」に)
・“Flock of bats” for “block of flats”(「マンションの棟」は「コウモリの群れ」に)
・“Bead a rook” for “read a book”(「本を読む」はずが「チェスのルークを紐に通す(?)」に)
Famous Spoonerisms(有名な語音転換)
Spooner verbalized some famous spoonerisms, and individuals verbalized other well-known spoonerisms in popular churches. Consider the following famous spoonerisms:
・“Excuse me, but you are ocoupewing my pie.” for “Excuse me, but you are occupying my pew.”(「すみません、それ私の席なんですが…」というべきところを「私のパイなんですが」と言ってしまう、pew(教会の長いす)とpie(パイ)をもじった言葉遊び。)
・“Sew this gentleman into a sheet.” for “Show this gentleman into a seat.”(本来であれば「こちらの男性を椅子に案内してください」というべきところを「こちらの男性を椅子に縫い付けてください」という、Sew(縫う)とShow(案内する)をもじった言葉遊び)
・“Kistomary to cuss the bride.” for “Customary to kiss the bride.” (「花嫁にキスする慣習」というフレーズの一部単語の最初の一文字を入れ替えると、「キスの慣習は花嫁を呪う」という意味に)
・“Jonah in the bale’s whelly.” for “Jonah in the whale’s belly.” (”whale’s belly”「クジラのお腹」というフレーズ中にある単語の最初の一文字を入れ替えると、”bale’s whelly”「俵のウェリー」という意味不明ながらもおかしな言葉遊びになる)
Are Spoonerisms Ever Intentional?(スプーナリズムは意図的か?)
Some authors use spoonerisms intentionally to create funny books and short stories, such as “Runny Babbit” by Shel Silverstein. Others may use spoonerisms deliberately to make a joke or perform a comedic monologue. Comedians can use spoonerisms to say slightly inappropriate phrases without saying the actual words, allowing the audience to make humorous connections while listening.

Spoonerisms are common in any language. Whether you speak too quickly, lose focus while talking, speak a second language, or struggle to categorize sounds cognitively, a spoonerism can alter what you try to say or result in some humorous wordplay. You can prevent spoonerisms by practicing pronunciation and enunciating words at a steady pace.
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