Review of RDA Education at #ALAAC22(ALAAC22でのRDA教育のレビュー)
RDA educational programs sponsored by the American Library Association and its partner organizations were presented at ALA Annual in Washington, DC June 24th through June 27th. While free virtual iterations of some of those presentations are likely to be scheduled for the coming months, we want to direct our subscribers to #ALAAC22 resources already available.
The Annual Meeting’s RDA slate opened with a Preconference Friday afternoon, June 24th. Speakers Thomas Brenndorfer, Kathy Glennan, Bob Maxwell, and Melanie Polutta explored issues and opportunities presented by the official RDA Toolkit at the program before segueing into a workshop providing catalogers with the opportunity to practice RDA together in person. The following day, an array of topics in metadata cataloging were explored through OCLC Transforming Metadata, the NARDAC Update Forum, Classification and Justice: Unfinished Work in Resource Description, and BIBFRAME and Arabic materials. Finally, #ALAAC22 concluded its RDA programming on Monday with Getting Staff Ready for the New RDA Toolkit: Exploring Topics and the RDA Linked Data Forum, both of which welcomed audience questions about how to become more comfortable with the official RDA Toolkit. Photos and other content from each of the aforementioned programs can be found on our Facebook and Twitter pages, with hashtag #ALAAC22.
ALA年次総会のRDAセッションは、6月24日金曜日の午後に開催されたPreconferenceで幕を開けました。講演者のThomas Brenndorfer氏、Kathy Glennan氏、Bob Maxwell氏、およびMelanie Polutta氏は、公式RDAツールキットによって提示された問題と機会についてこのプログラムで検討した後、カタログ担当者にRDAを実際に実践する機会を提供するワークショップに移行しました。翌日は、OCLC Transforming Metadata、NARDAC Update Forum、Classification and Justice(Resource Descriptionの未終了業務、BIBFRAMEとアラビア語資料)を通じて、メタデータ目録作成の様々なトピックが探求されました。最後に、#ALAAC22のRDAプログラミングは、月曜日のGetting Staff Ready for the New RDA Toolkitで終了しました。Exploring TopicsとRDA Linked Data Forumでは、RDA Toolkitをより使いこなすための方法について、聴衆からの質問を受け付けました。各プログラムの様子は、FacebookやTwitterのハッシュタグ「#ALAAC22」でご覧いただけます。
In the coming months, ALA Digital Reference expects to resume its free webinar series with programs continuing the conversations from #ALAAC22. Please check your e-mail inboxes, our social media channels and frequently to be sure you’re registering for those programs on time.
ALA Digital Referenceでは、#ALAAC22から引き続き、無料ウェビナーシリーズを再開する予定です。メールやソーシャルメディア、rdatoolkit.orgを頻繁にチェックし、これらのプログラムに時間通りに登録するようお願いします。
View our Ask Us Anything webinar
RSC members discussed the RDA standard, where it is going and how users can play an active role in its development. The event recording is now on our YouTube page.
Sign Up for the RDA Lab Series
The RDA Lab Series is designed to help participants understand how to apply the new RDA and RDA Toolkit created by the 3R Project. Contact [email protected] to learn more.
RDAラボシリーズは、3Rプロジェクトで作成された新しいRDAとRDAツールキットの適用方法を理解するためのものです。詳しくは、[email protected]までお問い合わせください。
Discuss Joining the RDA Board
John Trevor Allen, Chair of the RDA Board, welcomes queries about Board participation at [email protected].
RDA理事会議長John Trevor Allen氏は、[email protected]、理事会への参加に関する問い合わせを歓迎します。
Free Trials
Learn about free 30-day access to RDA Toolkit.