Periop Professional,
Join AORN’s Lisa Spruce, DNP, RN, CSN-CP, CNOR, ACNS, ACNP, FAAN and Julie Cahn, DNP, RN, CNOR, RN- BC, ACNS-BC, CNS-CP as they review current recommendations to prevent unintentionally retained surgical items and count discrepancies of surgical soft goods.
During this complimentary live webinar, we will also introduce AORN’s Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety: Prevention of RSI program.
Learn how your perioperative team can participate in a team-based education that heightens awareness of risks, helps improve patient outcomes, and earns your facility public recognition for your commitment to patient safety.
AORNのLisa Spruce氏(DNP、RN、CSN-CP、CNOR、ACNS、ACNP、FAAN)とJulie Cahn氏(DNP、RN、CNOR、RN-BC、ACNS-BC、CNS-CP)のウェビナーに参加して、意図せずに残された手術アイテムと手術用ソフト製品の数の不一致についてのレビューをご確認ください。