The medical tourism industry is flourishing globally, with millions of patients traveling from different countries to the United States for procedures ranging from dental care to complex surgeries and treatments. The United States is a popular destination due to its advanced medical technologies and high standards of care. However, this influx of international patients brings a vital need for effective communication, underscoring the importance of language proficiency in the healthcare sector.
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The Importance of Communicating Effectively with Non-Engish Speaking Patients(英語を話さない患者との効果的なコミュニケーションの重要性)
According to a survey conducted for ACTFL, the healthcare field is one of the sectors expecting the greatest increase in demand for foreign language skills in the future. “Medical tourists from non-English speaking countries may face language barriers when seeking medical care in the U.S. U.S. hospitals and destinations need to provide translation services and ensure that staff members are trained to communicate effectively with non-English speaking patients,” (Medical Tourism Magazine). This highlights the importance of equipping healthcare providers with the necessary language skills to cater to an international clientele.
ACTFLの調査によると、医療分野は今後外国語スキルの需要が最も高まると予想される分野のひとつです。「非英語圏からの医療観光客は、米国で医療を受ける際、言葉の壁に直面する可能性がある。米国の病院や観光地は、通訳サービスを提供し、スタッフが非英語圏の患者と効果的にコミュニケーションできるよう訓練されていることを確認する必要がある。」(Medical Tourism Magazine誌)このことは、海外からの顧客に対応するために必要な語学力を医療提供者に身につけさせることの重要性を示しています。
Imagine a medical tourist we will call Sara, who has limited English proficiency. Sara is traveling from Spain to the United States for cosmetic surgery. She’s excited and hopeful about her procedure delivering the results she’s looking for. The hospital staff, while highly skilled in their medical expertise, are predominantly English-speaking and are unaware of Sara’s language barrier.
On the day of the surgery, miscommunication arises regarding pre-operative instructions. Sara misunderstands the dietary restrictions and unknowingly violates them, potentially leading to complications during surgery. Additionally, she cannot fully comprehend the consent forms, contributing to incomplete or incorrect information being provided.
The consequences of such miscommunication can be dire. If Sara experiences complications due to her misunderstanding of pre-operative instructions, the hospital could face serious legal repercussions. Consent forms that are not fully understood by the patient may be deemed invalid, raising ethical and legal concerns about informed consent. This scenario could lead to lawsuits, tarnishing the hospital’s reputation and resulting in substantial financial losses.
This is where Sofia, a bilingual employee who is certified for her proficiency in both English and Spanish, steps in as a lifesaver. She uses her bilingual superpowers to translate the pre-operative instructions for Sara, ensuring she understands every detail. Sofia also walks Sara through the consent forms, explaining each section clearly and answering any questions she has.
Thanks to Sofia’s intervention, Sara follows the instructions, the surgery proceeds without complications, and she signs the consent forms with full understanding. The hospital not only avoids potential legal issues but also enhances its reputation as a facility that provides comprehensive, patient-centered care.
Invest in Bilingual Talent and Assess Your Employees with LTI(バイリンガル人材への投資とLTIによる従業員評価)
For healthcare providers catering to an international clientele, investing in current or potential bilingual employees and their language certification and training is a strategic imperative that safeguards both patient health and the institution’s work ethics. Medical Tourists want to feel welcome and understood, so investing in language training and measuring employees’ language proficiency is always a good start.
Contact Language Testing International® (LTI) today. Let LTI help your business experience success stories such as this. With decades of expertise, LTI can ensure your employees receive legally defensible language proficiency credentials, especially in the face of recent reports: “In March 2024, the combined spending on educational and health tourism, as well as expenditures by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers in the United States, reached $5.0 billion, marking a 13 percent increase from the previous year’s $4.4 billion total for March 2023. Medical tourism, education, and short-term worker expenses made up 25 percent of the overall U.S. travel and tourism exports in March 2024,” (Johnson).
Language Testing International® (LTI)にお問い合わせください。LTIがビジネスでのサクセスストーリーをお手伝いします。最近の報告では「2024年3月、教育・医療ツーリズム、国境を越えて米国に滞在する季節労働者やその他の短期労働者の総支出は50億ドルに達し、2023年3月の44億ドルから13パーセント増加した。医療観光、教育、短期労働者の支出は、2024年3月の米国旅行・観光輸出全体の25%を占めた」(ジョンソン氏)ということです。このような中で、数十年にわたる専門知識を持つLTIは、従業員が法的に正当な言語能力資格を取得することを保証します。
LTI provides staff members working in industries serving international travelers with globally recognized language proficiency certifications in speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Their secure remotely proctored language assessments can be taken at any time, anywhere for the test taker’s and employer’s convenience.