By Dan Edwards, Ed.D. and Kevin Gaugler, Ph.D.
From the learner’s perspective, AI might turn out to be an ideal complement to Steven Krashen’s Input Hypothesis. According to Krashen, language learners advance by understanding input that is slightly beyond their current level of comprehension, often denoted as ””i+1,” where ‘i’ represents the learner’s current level of language proficiency.
学習者の視点から見ると、AIはスティーブン・クラッシェン氏の「Input Hypothesis(インプット仮説)」を補完する理想的なものである。クラッシェン氏によれば、言語学習者は、現在の理解レベルをわずかに超えたインプットを理解することによって上達するとのことのようです。
The Vesuvian Challenge and AI in Language Education(ヴェスヴィア・チャレンジと言語教育におけるAI)
A vivid illustration of AI’s potential in supporting comprehensible input can be drawn from the Vesuvian Challenge, where technology played a pivotal role in deciphering ancient scrolls. In this challenge, machine learning and computer vision were harnessed to read the charred Herculaneum Papyri, which were rendered illegible due to deterioration from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. A text that was incomprehensible to any human was made legible and comprehensible through the use of artificial intelligence recognizing patterns, making it understandable to the human reader. This scenario parallels the role AI might play in language education, decoding texts to meet a reader’s proficiency, rendering previously incomprehensible material accessible, and thus aiding in differentiating content to each learner’s specific needs. Think of this as a progressive scaffold, rather than a permanent solution. The intention is that readers will develop the skills to read higher level texts over time, eventually eliminating the need for AI text leveling.
AI Tools for the Language Classroom(語学教室のためのAIツール)
Platforms like ChatGPT have shown potential in bridging the gap between a complex text and learner’s comprehension. They can be programmed to align with a proficiency framework. For example, in our experimentation with ChatGPT, we asked the chatbot to produce text aligned with an A2 level on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR, a scale that correlates with the ACTFL proficiency scale). This approximates output that a Novice High learner can understand. Moreover, a learner might ask the chatbot to use specific vocabulary in context or to produce a text written mostly in the past, present, or future tense. In this way, classroom materials can be specifically customized to reach the optimal level of input+1 for any given learner in seconds. (See here for alignment of the CEFR scale to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines).
ChatGPTのようなプラットフォームは、複雑なテキストと学習者の理解のギャップを埋める可能性を示しています。習熟度別フレームワークに合わせてプログラムすることも可能となります。例えば、ChatGPTを使った実験では、ヨーロッパ言語運用能力基準(CEFR)のA2レベルに合わせたテキストを作成するようチャットボットに依頼しました。これはNovice Highの学習者が理解できるアウトプットに近似しています。さらに、学習者はチャットボットに、文脈の中で特定の語彙を使用するよう求めたり、主に過去形、現在形、未来形で書かれた文章を作成するよう求めたりすることができます。このように、教室の教材は、どの学習者にとっても最適なインプット+1のレベルに数秒で到達するように特別にカスタマイズすることができます。(CEFRスケールとACTFL言語運用能力ガイドラインの整合性については、こちらをご覧ください)。
Just like instructor-oriented tools like, other platforms are using OpenAI’s underlying technology to create services oriented toward language learners. The Reverso Dictionary, for example, employs AI to furnish a grammar checker and sentence rephraser that is currently available in English, Spanish, French, and Italian for a monthly fee. Productivity suites like Microsoft 365 are now also incorporating AI. For example, Microsoft’s Edge browser offers a Copilot feature powered by AI that provides a chat function as well as a writing assistant, and is now building this Copilot technology into their entire suite of tools, which includes Word. The tool recently added a “Generate page summary” button, allowing a language learner to access authentic readings in the target language. An article in a technical journal, for instance, could be adapted to be appropriate for use in introductory language courses. It is likely that Microsoft Word may soon to be able to coach learners on the best way to express themselves in the target language of their choice. We do not know yet how this may impact the development of writing proficiency. Assessment like ACTFL’s Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) may become even more relevant in programs to assess the actual proficiency of a given learner without the support of any AI-enhanced editing or revision tools.
Magicschool.aiのような講師向けツールのように、他のプラットフォームもOpenAIの基礎技術を利用して、言語学習者向けのサービスを開発しています。例えば、Reverso Dictionary(レベルソ辞書)は、文法チェッカーと文の言い換えを提供するためにAIを採用しており、現在、英語、スペイン語、フランス語、イタリア語で月額料金で利用できます。マイクロソフト365のような生産性スイートも、AIを取り入れるようになっている。例えば、マイクロソフトのEdgeブラウザーは、AIを搭載したCopilot機能を提供しており、文章作成アシスタントだけでなくチャット機能も提供している。このツールには最近、「ページの要約を生成する」ボタンが追加され、語学学習者がターゲット言語の本物の読み物にアクセスできるようになった。例えば、技術雑誌の記事を、語学入門コースで使用するのに適切なものに変更することができる。マイクロソフト・ワードが、学習者が選択したターゲット言語で自分自身を表現するための最良の方法を指導できるようになる日も近いかもしれない。これが言語運用能力の育成にどのような影響を与えるかはまだわかりません。ACTFLの言語運用能力テスト(WPT)のような評価は、AIによる編集や修正ツールのサポートなしに、学習者の実際の能力を評価するプログラムにおいて、さらに適切なものになるかもしれません。
Not only is AI reimagining the role of the dictionary, the browser, and the word processor, it is leading to a rethinking of the traditional flashcard. Quizlet has introduced a feature known as Q-chat. Q-Chat, powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT, is designed to help the learner practice. The synergy between Q-Chat and Quizlet’s digital flashcards demonstrates a significant shift in how even the most traditional of study techniques is becoming a potentially more dynamic learning experience.
These examples showcase just a small subsection of what AI can allow teachers and learners to do. The innovations we have shared in this and our prior blog post undoubtedly herald a new phase in second language teaching and learning. AI will certainly impact assessment as well. ACTFL even recently announced the development of machine scoring as an enhancement to the human-rating process for the AAPPL. Rather than sidelining actual human-to-human interaction, it is likely that the ACTFL gold-standard Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) will become even more significant as a means to measure true oral proficiency involving negotiation of meaning.
Beyond the time-saving advantages for educators, these tools can enhance the quality of education for learners through customization of content and by making authentic texts more accessible. Although AI cannot change the amount of time it takes to learn a language, it can make the process more engaging and efficient for educators and learners alike. As artificial intelligence becomes more ubiquitous, world language educators and learners will likely develop vastly different expectations for educational outcomes and assessments in the coming years. This is only the beginning!
Watch a PBS special on AI in education featuring the authors of this article:
For More Information
Dive deeper into the topics and tools discussed in this post to better understand how to leverage AI in language education.
1.Krashen, S. (1987). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Retrieved from
2.The National Endowment for the Humanities. Reading the Invisible Library: the Herculaneum Papyrus Scrolls. Retrieved from
3.Reverso Dictionary. Retrieved from
4.Microsoft 365 Team. Announcing Microsoft 365 Copilot general availability and Microsoft 365 Chat. Retrieved from
5.Quizlet. Q-Chat: Meet Your New AI Tutor. Retrieved from