Enhance Your Organizational Culture with an Effective Language Policy(効果的な言語ポリシーで組織文化を高めましょう)
What are the key elements to consider when developing and establishing guidelines and practices regarding language usage? A language policy outlines a company’s approach to multilingual communication. It can help to ensure consistency across the organization. The specifics of your policy will depend on the nature of the industry and some local context. It must also include the input of members of different departments such as legal advisors and HR professionals to make sure the outcome is a comprehensive one.
A Company-Wide Language Strategy(全社的な言語戦略)
A survey conducted for ACTFL, highlights that most U.S. employers say their employees use their foreign language skills to communicate both internally with coworkers and externally with customers, stakeholders, and suppliers. Building a company-wide language strategy and being responsive to the foreign language expectations of your customers and your employees’ needs are some of the recommendations to avoid falling behind in the global economy. This applies across all industries.
Defining Objectives(目標の定義)
Before creating a language policy, you need to define objectives and determine purpose. Is it to ensure a respectful work environment, promote effective communication, accommodate diverse language preferences, or a combination of these goals? It is imperative to align the policy with the company’s culture, values, and specific practices that need addressing. Embrace the cultural diversity that exists within your organization’s workforce, consider the different languages spoken and preferences of your employees.
Local Labor Laws(それぞれのローカルの労働法)
It is necessary to familiarize yourself with local labor laws and any other legal obligations related to languages in the workplace, including anti-discrimination regulations. If you operate internationally, consider the official language(s) of those countries, and ensure that your language policy adheres to their legal parameters.
Setting Up Proficiency Expectations(期待する言語運用能力の設定)
Different positions will need specific levels of multilingual abilities, and this will vary based on job requirements. It is important to set clear language proficiency expectations for different roles within the organization. Maintain clarity in communication channels such as meetings, emails, and official documents; and state which languages are acceptable to use and when.
Encourage employees to respect inclusivity in language usage to promote understanding and create awareness of cultural sensitivities. Improve employees’ language skills through training programs, especially for those learning the official language. If it is applicable, utilize the services of a translation or interpretation provider when necessary.
“As you craft your company’s inclusive language plans, be aware that best practices are constantly changing. An approach that is inspired and informed by people across all levels of the organization can help you stay current with the language evolutions and preferences,” (Hamilton et al.).
「自社の包括的言語計画を策定する際には、ベストプラクティスが常に変化していることを意識してください。組織のあらゆるレベルの人々からインスピレーションを受け、情報を得るアプローチは、言語の進化や嗜好に常に対応するのに役立ちます」(Hamilton et al.)
Communicating the Language Policy(言語ポリシーの伝達)
Once the language policy is established, communicate it to all employees and ensure that everyone understands its implications. Training sessions can be provided to guarantee consistency in enforcement. Clearly outline the consequences of violating the language policy, which may involve disciplinary actions. Language is dynamic, so regularly review the language policy and make updates or changes as necessary and stay responsive to evolving language needs within the industry.
Everyone in your organization will benefit from a well-rounded language policy. Consider partnering with Language Testing International (LTI), a leader in the delivery of language proficiency testing. As the exclusive licensee of ACTFL, LTI conducts secure, remotely proctored tests in over 120 languages for your bilingual and multilingual employees. Through LTI assessments that certify their qualifications and accuracy in speaking, writing, listening, or reading skills, you can validate your company’s language policy.
組織内の全員が、充実した言語ポリシーから利益を得ることができます。言語能力試験配信のリーダーであるLanguage Testing International(LTI)との提携をご検討ください。ACTFLの独占ライセンシーであるLTIは、バイリンガルおよびマルチリンガルの従業員を対象に、120以上の言語で安全な遠隔試験を実施しています。スピーキング、ライティング、リスニング、リーディングスキルの資格と正確さを証明するLTIの評価を通じて、貴社の言語ポリシーを検証することができます。
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.” https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf
Hamilton, Odessa S., Kohler Lindsay. Bradley Cox Elle and Lordan Grace. “How to Make Your Organization’s Language More Inclusive”. Harvard Business Review. March 18, 2022. https://hbr.org/2022/03/how-to-make-your-organizations-language-more-inclusive