Optimize Your Online Exposure in Multiple Languages to Boost Your Career
As a bilingual or multilingual individual, you can create a strong online presence that provides valuable content and helps you connect with potential employers or clients. Building a compelling profile that showcases your language skills takes a little bit of effort, but the rewards are worth it. If you have determined what you want to achieve, defined your goals, and are open to exploring a plethora of new opportunities, showcasing your language proficiency can help you boost your exposure.
Selecting the Appropriate Social Media Channels
As a bilingual or multilingual entrepreneur looking to attract prospective clients or a bilingual job seeker revealing your capabilities and expertise to potential employers, your first step is to identify the social media platforms that are most significant to your target audience or relevant to your field of interest. “Being on social media is a necessity in this day and age. In fact, in 2019 there are now 3.2 billion people on social media globally, so social media is a key tool for reaching your intended audience on whichever platforms they prefer,” (Riserbato).
見込み客を惹きつけたいバイリンガルやマルチリンガルの起業家、あるいは潜在的な雇用主に自分の能力や専門性をアピールしたいバイリンガルの求職者として、まず最初にすべきことは、ターゲットとする読者にとって最も重要な、あるいは興味のある分野に関連するソーシャルメディア・プラットフォームを特定することです。 “ソーシャルメディアに参加することは、今の時代には必要不可欠です。実際、2019年には世界全体で32億人がソーシャルメディアを利用しており、ソーシャルメディアは、彼らが好むどのプラットフォームでも、あなたの意図する聴衆にリーチするための重要なツールなのです」(Riserbato氏)。
Establish a robust online presence by creating a professional website dedicated to your product, service, or areas of expertise. Ensure that your website features a creative design and an appealing biography. Strategically highlight your bilingual and multilingual abilities and experience throughout the webpage as well. U.S. Census data shows that 66 million people across the nation prefer to speak languages other than English at home. “Having created an amazing multilingual website, you want to ensure it’s findable. People tend to search online using their own language. Indeed, Google reports more online searches are being carried out using local languages than ever before,” (Day).
Content Creation
Build a solid online presence to enhance your credibility and make a lasting impact. Regularly share valuable content and address trending topics through posts, blogs, and videos in the languages you command. This will keep you active and engaged with others within a wider audience compared to your monolingual counterparts. Additionally, look for networking opportunities, join organizations pertinent to your field or in relevant communities, and contribute to industry discussions using all the languages you command.
Establishing Credibility
Participate in interviews or any activity that increases your reach and leads to collaboration. It is crucial to analyze the effectiveness of your efforts by monitoring your levels of engagement using resources or tools available to trace the feedback regarding your content. Remember to take quick action if questions or comments arise as part of your online presence. Building trust and establishing yourself as a leader in your field takes time, so invest in securing the support of colleagues or industry experts who can display their endorsements on your social media and add value to your profile. As for building credibility, it is vital to maintain consistency in the quality of your content and in the accuracy of the language or languages across all communications, publications, and online activities. Strategically plan a multilingual approach to expand visibility of the value of your linguistic skills on social media.
A survey conducted for ACTFL states that most U.S. employers are aware of the essential role of foreign language for economic competitiveness, so take heed of the benefits of optimizing your online exposure in multiple languages. By showcasing your language proficiency, you can let your colleagues and prospective employers or clients know that your language skills can be an asset to them. If you haven’t certified your language proficiency yet, Language Testing International (LTI) can provide you with a universally recognized language credential in speaking, reading, writing, and listening areas. Their remotely and secured proctored assessments can be taken at anytime, anywhere.
ACTFLの調査によると、米国の雇用者のほとんどが、経済競争力にとって外国語が不可欠な役割を担っていることを認識しています。あなたの語学力をアピールすることで、あなたの同僚や将来の雇用主、顧客に、あなたの語学力が彼らの財産になることを知らせることができます。まだ語学力を証明したことがない場合は、Language Testing International (LTI)が、スピーキング、リーディング、ライティング、リスニングの各分野で世界的に認められた語学力を証明します。LTIの試験は、いつでも、どこでも、遠隔かつ安全に受験することができます。
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.” https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf
Day, Jessica. “How to Increase Your Global Reach: 7 Multilingual Website Best Practices to Follow.” LILT. April 12,2022. https://labs.lilt.com/7-multilingual-website-best-practices-to-follow
Riserbato, Rebecca. “16 Effective Ways to Build Your Online Presence”. HubSpot. December 30, 2022. https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/online-presence
U.S. Census: https://data.census.gov/table?tid=ACSDP1Y2021.DP02